Chapter 27

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Lylian's POV

"Hey BlackLighting, I'm starting to get very tired keeping this human form. Can I go back to being a dragon? It's a lot easier to walk on four legs and I'm using to much magic and I feel like hibernating this year." I said as I slumped onto the couch, yawning.

I rubbed my eyes as BlackLightning sighed. "I'm sorry princess, unfortunately you can't transform back into your dragon yet. I don't think you'll be able to hibernate this year either, the mission might get in the way or they elders wont let you," He answered.

I let out a whine as I slumped even more. I stared at the ceiling, bored, as I raised my hand to the ceiling and twiddled them around.

"How about me and Lylian go to a dark and scheduled place so that we could at least let out our horns, tails, and wings? I promise we won't get caught. And plus I'm also started to get drained from using up so much magic." Lloyd suggested as he sat next to me.

I immediately sat up straight and looked at BlackLighting with my puppy dog eyes. I stared at him pleadingly as he debated.

"I don't know you're highnesses, it's extremely risky for you to do that. Why don't you just let your wings out here?" He asked us.

"Well, you see, I took a quick peak into the future and saw that exactly as we transformed someone would invite themselves into our house to see how we're doing and then we have to fully transform and attack them or erase that persons mind and I think that that's just too much work for a quick break from using too much magic. Doncha think?" Lloyd quickly explained as he gave BlackLighting the "there's-no-way-to-stop-us-from-going" look.

BlackRose smiled and said,"Why don't you just let them go. They're supreme rulers for crying out loud! They're more than capable of protecting themselves even if they're children. And I'm sure Prince Lloyd won't let anything happen to Princess Lylian. Right your highness?" She winked.

"Yup! I'll make sure that we are perfectly safe and that no one will lay a hand on us at all!" Lloyd exclaimed as he pulled me off of the couch.

Opening the door and dragging me with him he shouted,"We'll be back before you know it!" With that he slammed the door shut.
We stood in a dark shadowy place just behind a few buildings. The only way to get to this place other than flying or teleporting would be to go through a small narrow alleyway. At this time of day, there shouldn't be too many people outside, so that means more time with wings! But we still have to be careful and to make sure to cover our wings right away of someone does walk by.

I excitedly hopped around the place as I got ready to use less magic energy. I turned to look at Lloyd and saw that he already had his eyes and horns out. His golden eyes glowed in the dark alleyway, his horns also admitted a dull yellow light.

I quickly stopped using magic energy on my eyes to reveal my horns. My vision immediately turned brighter as my night vision turned on, making my eyes glow too. I smiled as I got ready to reveal my wings, jumping in excitement.

I watched Lloyd as his wings grew from his back, shooting out. He has two pairs of wings, just like me! His leathered paired just above his feathered pair. Both wings are black with a hint of yellow at the end.

My wings are just like his except my leathered pair overlapped my feathered pair, covering it. The inside of my wings looked like a galaxy, slowly changing color and swirling around. The outside of my wings are striped, they also change color!

I stretched my wings out since it's been a while since they were last out. I pulled my wings towards me, wrapping myself in a little protective bubble. I stared at my wings, no longer filled with rips or holes. I smiled at the thought of flying but sighed as I remembered that it's "too dangerous".

I took out my tail and swung it around happily. Unlike Lloyd who had a thin wire-like tail, my tail is thin, scaled and long. I also have "fins"(well they're kinda like fins, but they're more like flaps)at the end of my tail a long with a poison barbed tail. I swung my tail around carefully, making sure not to hit anything accidentally.

"Hey Lloyd, when we come back home I want to race you! I can finally fly without help!" I asked hopefully.

Lloyd grinned as he said,"Sure, but I bet I'm going to beat you!"

"Hehe! We'll see about that!" I shot back.

"Come on, let's go back to our human forms before anyone actually does come back here. We also have to go back or else BlackLighting will worry even more." Lloyd said as he quickly shifted back.

I let an aww but shifted back anyways. Usually we shift into our forms but sometimes when we do it to much, we might break a bone here and there so the Elders has us use magic to hide our dragon and demon side.

I happily grabbed on to Lloyd's hand as he lead us out and back to the house.

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