Chapter 26

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Lloyd's POV

"I'm sorry Mr. Harrison, but we can't go yet. There's still some things that need to be sorted out," I said.

Mr. Harrison leaned back into his chair and said,"Well alright kid, or should I say your highness? Well come to me if you ever need help and please leave as soon as you finish whatever you need to do."

I smiled before saying,"All right, I guess I'll be going now." With that I opened the door before closing it.
Two week later

I sat on the couch as I watched Lylian hop around the house, shouting,"It's my birthday! I'm finally nine! Where's my cake? Did you hide the presents? What did you get me?! What did you get me?!"

She twirled around the living room as she searched every nook and cranny. He eyes widen in delight as she found the "hidden" presents behind the pillows. She awed as she pulled out four small boxes wrapped in shiny purple and gold wrapping paper.

She carefully tore open each box, trying not to tear the wrapping. As she struggled to pull the tape off, she used her claws in frustration to cut it. As quickly as the claws appeared they disappeared. She unwrapped each box before opening them one after another. She eagerly pulled out four dragon figurines.

A dark purple dragon laying down, a green dragon sitting, a red dragon also sitting, and an ice dragon sitting with its wings spread out. She held them up and yelled in excitement. "YAY! YAY! YAY! I always wanted these! The elders never let me have them 'cause apparentllllly I can just go outside and see these dragons! Thank you! Now where did you get them? I thought humans didn't like us that much?"

She looked up and turned to BlackLighting who was leaning against the kitchen counter as he watched Lylian. I could see a rare smile cover his face as he answered her. "Well Princess, it turns out that there are quite a few humans that admire a dragons beauty and elegance, especially human children."

Lylian lit up at his vague answer. "Wait so are you saying that people think we're pretty? Yay! That also means there's more dragon figurines somewhere! Can we go get them?" She begged as she ran over to hug BlackLighting.

BlackLightning pried her off before saying,"No Princess, I'm buying these things with my own money and these things are expensive. BlackRose will be bringing back some strawberry cake for you."
Lylian's POV

I sat in the kitchen table as BlackRose prepared the cake for me, adding candles, writing happy birthday, and adding even more strawberries. I watched eagerly as she set the candles in fire. The candles glowed a rosy colored as they flickered. BlackRose placed a memory cube in front of us and turned it on, recording this moment so that we could send it to the everyone at home.

I smiled widely as I stared at the cube as they started singing happy birthday. I waited impatiently for them to stop singing, bouncing up and down in my chair. Once they finished singing I quickly blew out the candles as I waited for BlackLighting to cut it. I smiled smugly as BlackRose sighed at how quickly I blew the candles out.

I mean can you blame me? Strawberry cake is the best cake and you can fight me! Everyone already knows my wish so we can skip that part. I stared eagerly as BlackLightning cut out the biggest slice for me. As he placed the plate in front of my, I quickly grabbed my fork and dig into the cake, savoring every little bite.

I looked over to see Lloyd enjoying the cake too, along with BlackRose. Even BlackLightning was eating some of the cake. Once we finished the cake, BlackLighting and BlackRose let us travel around the city to see all the pretty shops and the decorations being put up for Christmas. I hope that we'll be able to come home in time to celebrate Christmas. We were able to teleport home for a day to celebrate Thanksgiving.

I skipped down the sidewalks, passing by the other families as I looked around all the stores. Lloyd followed close behind as BlackLightning and BlackRose trailed behind us. I stopped in front of a candy store and eagerly pointed at it.

"Candy? Can we please get some?" I asked.

BlackLighting looked at the store and nodded as I rushed in with Lloyd.

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