Chapter 23

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Lloyd's POV.

I looked at Micheal as I followed behind him, holding a stack of papers. My job was to pretty much go around the office area (the upstairs) of the guild and give papers around. Micheal was showing me around each office and who's it belonged too.

I made a few mental notes as Micheal talked and pointed to each office. "Well then Lloyd, I think that about wraps it up. Now bring those papers to Mr. Harrison's office he should be there, if not just leave it on his desk." And with that he left to file some papers.

I quietly recited the words father told me before I left in my mind as I walked. Just in case there was a mind reader, I set up a protective barrier in my mind. Whatever you do don't get caught. Always protect your comrades, even if it means failing the mission. Try to successfully complete the mission without or barely any losses. And last of all, always protect your family, now goodbye son.

I looked around, scanning for Mr. Harrison's office. Once I found it, I walked up to the door before knocking. I waited outside with the papers for a couple of minutes before going to knock again. Before I could actually knock, a large figure opened the door. A large bearded man wearing a brown vest opened the door.

I looked up, into his eyes before saying,"Here's you paperwork sir." I held the papers in front him, expecting him to take it, instead he just stared at me. He's not drunk is he? My god I don't want to deal with a bloody drunk person. I thought to myself as I mentally sighed. I stood there awkwardly holding out the papers in front of me.

Dude, please just take the flipping papers. It's not that hard. I thought as I stared back at him. "Umm sir are you going to take the papers or not?" I asked, trying my best to not sound rude. O pit the papers closer to him. I could hear the other people in the floor chuckling to themselves as they watched my attempt.

"Looks like Harrison is doing his "test" again. Don't worry kid! Just stay there and wait for him to grab the papers!" I looked behind me trying to see who said that. I turned back to awkwardly stare at Mr. Harrison. What type of bloody test is this? A patience test? Well then I'll just put wait him.

Trying my best not to say anything despite the strong urge to ask if he's drunk, I opened my mouth before quickly closing it. My arms are already getting tired and it's only been two minutes.

After ten minutes of this, Mr. Harrison finally took the papers before nodding his thanks. He turned around and quickly closed the door, leaving me dumbfounded. I slowly backed away before doors walking to Micheal's office. That was weird...

I knocked on Micheal's door to let him know that I'm here before walking in. Micheal sat at his desk, filling out papers as he looked up to see me. "Umm, Michael what's with Mr. Harrison? Is-is he drunk?" I asked him, whispering the last part.

He sighed before shaking his head. "He isn't drunk, he's just mad. Ever since he came back from a mission a few years ago, he's been different. But you have nothing to worry about, just try to avoid him." He answered as he gave me another stack of papers. "Give these to my father, he should be in his office for once."

I nodded as I grabbed the papers and left. I wonder what happened to Mr. Harrison? Maybe if I get close to him, he'll tell me more about the dragon hunting guild! This is my chance! I thought excitedly as I traveled around the upstairs.

I arrived at Mr. Stormbringer's office. The door was already open so I didn't need to knock thankfully. As I walked closer to his office, Mr. Stormbringer looked up from whatever he was doing. "Hello kid, hows the job been for ya?"

"It's okay, just tiring." I answered as I gave him the papers.

"Good to hear kid." He said as he took the papers and returned to what he was doing.

After that, U returned back to Micheal's office to do this over and over again. After the 8th time, I was finally able to go home at 6 pm. Mr. Stormbringer wanted to walk me home, but I politely declined obviously.

Once I arrived at the house I immediately collapsed on the couch. "It's been a long day your highness?" BlackRose asked as she entered the living room.

"Uhm, I'm gonna take a nap. Wake me up when dinners ready..." I said as I quickly fell asleep, my facing squishing against the pillow.

Just as I asked, BlackRose woke me up for dinner. I yawned before walking to the dining room and sitting down. Now that I think about it, where's Lylian? I looked around the room to see that she wasn't here.

"Um BlackRose, where's Lylian?" I asked I dug into dinner.

"Well the Elders had sent in Elizabeth and the princess wanted to stay with her for a little bit. Elizabeth should be bringing her here any second now." BlackRose explained as she sat down to eat. BlackLighting was sent out to on a mission by Mr. Moore so he won't be able to come back till at least morning.

"Lloyd! You're back! And look, Elizabeth's here!" I turned around to see Lylian bursting through the door smiling. I smiled as she sat down next to me and started eating.

"You know... I missed the time you used to call me mommy." Elizabeth exclaimed as she went up to BlackRose.

"Lloyd do you think I'll be able to go with you the guild? I really want to come back there! It's so fun!" Lylian asked me as she turned to look at me.

"Sure! Just let me ask Mr. Stormbringer."

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