Chapter 9

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Hello and welcome back peeps! I hope you enjoy this chapter!
Lylian's POV

I woke up in the middle of the night, expecting Momma to come, but I got disappointed when I didn't see her. Maybe she doesn't know that my room changed! Yeah! Maybe I should go look for her. Sounds like a good idea, let's go look for her! I thought.

I hopped out of bed, making sure not to wake up StarFox and Aquatic and tipped-toed to the door. I put my ear to the door and listened to hear if anyone is outside. Hearing nothing I opened the door and stepped out. I shifted into my dragon form tipped-clawed around the hallway. Good thing I can see in the dark, it'll be a lot easier to see the hallway. I looked back making sure no one is following me before running out of the halls.

Wait, which way is to my old room? Is it left... no right... no forward? Hmm, eeny meeny miny moe I choose you! I guess I'm going left then, I thought. I ran down the left hallway passing the kitchen. That's when I felt claws wrap around me and pull me up. Talons wrapper around my about as I was pulled into the kitchen.

Why do dragons keep picking me up?! Meanie! I thought as I tried to claw at my dragonnapper. "The princess sure is feisty. Come let's go before we get caught!" Whispered my dragonnapper. I was put into a brown bag by the dragon while I was kicking and clawing at them. I couldn't tell if they are male or female, all I know is that they are a meanie how dragonnaps dragonets.

I was slung over their shoulder and carried somewhere. I scratched at the bag trying to rip it open. I growled in frustration when it didn't rip. Why aren't my claws ripping the bag open! I kicked the dragon's back repeatedly until my legs got tired.

If kicking doesn't work then I'll just annoy them! I thought to myself before shouting,"I'm tired! Let me go! Meanie! Jerk! I'm going to tell the elders if you don't let me out! Humph! Fine then I'll just continue kicking you!"

The dragon let out a sigh before speeding up their pace. I could tell the dragon was getting annoyed from the way they sighed. I started kicking the dragon and clawing at the bag. Unluckily for me, the dragon only sped up.

They didn't tell the princess was this annoying! If only I knew. Stars! I want to claw my ears out! Thought my dragonnapper. I laughed silently to myself before kicking harder. I got tired pretty soon and slipped into sleep, slowly stopping my kicks.
I was rudely awoken when my dragonnapper dropped me on the floor. "Accuse me MEANIE but you do not drop a princess on the floor! Now let me out of the bag! It's sweaty and it's too small! My legs are sore too!" I shouted at the dragon.

I could hear dragons murmuring and chuckling beside me. I let out an annoyed growl and waited for dragons around me to do something.

"Let her out before she figures out how to do it herself." Ordered one of the dragons. I waited for a few seconds before a dragon slowly opened the bag. I pounced out and bit the dragon, injecting venom into their arm.

I let go of their arm and ran but a scarred grayish-blue dragon grabbed me with one arm and lifted me up. I hissed at him and tried to bite him, but he held me away. The dragon hissed in pain and clutched their arm. A bunch of dragons ran towards the dragon frantically, trying to stop my venom from spreading.

I looked at my surroundings and saw that I was in a dome like room with many tunnel like hallways leading out. I quickly realized that I was undergrounds, most likely the catacombs of the under the city. I looked back at the dragon I bit and saw that he had past out. The other dragons were frantically moving him through one of the tunnels.

"I see that spending time with the General taught you something." He said.

"Let go of me meanie! I'll bite you! I'm going to tell BlackLightning unless you let me go! Just you wait!" I clawed at his arm, barely scratching his scales.

"At least your not 'all bark, but no bite'. I'll let you go don't worry, but first you must do something for us." He said.

He must be the leader! If I play along then maybe I can escape. Hehe! Wait is he a mind reader? I'll ask him what species he is. I thought before saying,"I'll help you as long as you don't hurt me and let me go, but what can a six year old do! Why would you ask a six year old for help? That's stupid."

"I see you've forgotten that you're not an ordinary six year old, you're the princess. Whatever you want, you get. And plus the elders will do anything to get you back." He responded in the human language.

Oh yeah, I forgot about that. Wait, did he just speak the human language?! I thought I was the only one that could do it in our dragon form! "You know how to speak the human language too?! All the other dragons say it's too hard to do in our normal form." I said surprised.

"Of course I can, in fact a lot of dragons can but they think that the human language sounds horrible." He explained.

"Okay then. Um sooooo, what exactly do you need me to do. And how come there so many dragons here?" I asked. There was at least thirty dragons in the room. Most of the dragons here are either scarred or skinny, like very skinny. They all look very fierce and demanding, as if I owed them a few gold coins.

"I'm surprised you haven't guessed it yet, but we're the rebellion and you're the key to ending this war. Ah! I haven't even introduced myself yet, I am Deszeld, leader of the rebellion, and a storm dragon. And of course I know who you are. Now that introductions are done lets get back to business, Princess, but first someone wants to see you so follow me." He said.

I nodded and started following through one of the tunnels, surprisingly it wasn't pitch black. In fact it looks as if the sun was shining down here.Thank stars he isn't a mind dragon, but who would want to see me? I looked around and saw that there was even more tunnels connected to this one. We took a left turn and arrived in a storage room. In this room a bunch of dragons were rummaging through boxes or sorting things out. Sitting on one of these boxes, sat a familiar looking creature.

"Mamma! So this is where you've been! Why haven't you been visiting me! I missed you!" I exclaimed as I scrambled to her, shifting to my human form and jumping into her.

"I miss you took, darling! I've been busy and I guess I have a lot of explaining to do! So can please be quiet for a few minutes?" She said.

"Uh-huh!" I hugged her tightly and nodded. She pet my head and sat me next to her.

"Well darling I've been busy preparing for the rebellion and making sure we they don't do anything rash. We're trying to figure out what the Elders are trying to do with you and you're sisters. They've been acting different and we realized they were trying to make you become the prefect dragon, easily manipulated. Now we don't want that to happen so we're trying to stop them and protect you. And so we had them take you last night. I'm sorry I didn't tell you anything and left you alone." She explained.

I hugged her before Deszeld said,"Now if you're done, let's talk about the Elders now and how to get them back to their senses."

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