0.13 | r e a l i t y

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- T H E O -

Somehow I lost Liam the second we got to the reception. The ceremony was absolutely beautiful, and I couldn't help but begin to think about the day that Liam and I would get married one day. The real question was, did he still want to be with me? I had no doubt in my mind that Liam loves me as I love him, but I can't help but feel like his mom and his brother are slowly making us drift apart. I am so happy that he is able to connect with his mom, his real mom. And God, he's so happy. But lately, he has no time for me. I hate that I feel this way, I really do, but right now I just need to focus on finding him so that we can go home. I wasn't really paying attention to where I was going, but I saw Krassy against a wall, and I walked over there, thinking that she knew where Liam would have been. As I made my way over, I ran into a girl, who spilled her drink on her outfit, and I immediately rushed to her aide.

"Oh god, I'm so sorry," I say taking the glass from her hand and placing it on the nearest table. "I really wasn't paying attention to where I was going and I just ran. I'm so sorry," I say helping her dry off her pantsuit with some cloth napkins.

"It's fine," she says laughing while wiping herself off. "It's black so no one will se it." She turned to look at me and smiled. "It'll be okay," she said with a smile.

I didn't recognize her, but she must have been important if she was invited to the wedding.

"So," I began. "Are you a family friend," I ask gesturing to absolutely nothing.

"Actually no," she said like she had thought of a fond memory. "The only person I know here is Malia," she said looking around for the bride. "Even her I don't know all that well," she said smiling. I could tell that she was a very happy person.

"Well, you must be pretty important if she invited you to her wedding, I say chuckling.

"Funny story," she says turning and facing me, the biggest grin on her face. "I work at the Umlaty Bridal Shop downtown, and Malia," she says gesturing towards the bride. "Malia came in all frantic because she wanted to find the perfect dress for her fiancé. She showed me some pictures and gave me some ideas, and to make a long story short, her fiancé, well I guess wife, wore the dress that I made. Anyway, she asked for my phone number and we talked and here we are," she says laughing. I started to laugh too.

"You weren't lying when you said that it was a funny story," I said chuckling. I extended my hand towards hers. "I'm Theo," I say while she shakes my hand.

"Emy," she says with a smile as I draw my hand back. I just smile at her. Just then Malia walks over and kisses Emy on the cheek.

"See, I told you that you would get along with my friends," she exclaims. She then turns to me. "Theo, this girl is hilarious" she says laughing just thinking about it. "You have to take her number," Malia says suddenly. I turn to face Emy.

"Only if it's okay with you."

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
now might be a good time to re-read the cast and the story description...😏

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