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-L I A M-

I began running towards the house, just as an explosion threw me back, knocking me to the ground. I sat up, groaning in pain, just as I felt my spine crack. There was a ringing in my ears and my vision was distorted, and I felt like I had broken every bone in my body. Through the ringing I heard loud screams and cries, and I felt a gust of wind come from behind me. Stemin came up to me, sobbing, cupping my face in his hands,  before hugging me to his chest. He pulled me back to take a look at me.

"Who was in the house, Stemin," I said softly. He just looked at me, still crying. "WHO WAS IN THERE," I screamed, and he began sobbing even harder. He was dragged out of the way by my mother, and I turned back around to see him on his knees sobbing. I turned back to look at my mother confused. She gave a light smile, but her eyes were red and puffy, so I knew she had been crying. I looked past her at the house, and saw what looked like white soles at the door. I quickly got up and ran past my mother to the house. I heard the faint sound of an ambulance in the background as I pulled the person by their legs onto the driveway path. It was Janison. I checked his pulse, faint but still there. He had a cloth over his nose, like someone was looking out for him. I tried to see if the person was still alive, but the fire had reached the door and was blazing to  where I could see nothing. I hoisted Janison up to where his arm was wrapped around me, and laid him where the explosion had threw me back. Firemen rushed to the house with hoses to put out the fire, while an EMT came with a stretcher right next to me. He hoisted Janison up.

"We need to check you out too," he said stretching his arm to help me up, but I waved it away. He looked at my mom, and she shook her head no. The man ran Janison over to the ambulance and checked his vitals and his airways before speeding back down the street. I saw Chase running into the woods, covered in soot. Just then, a wave of anger rushed over me as I got up and ran towards him.

I was falling behind, and I had to spped to catch Chase. As I tackled him to the ground, he began to laugh.

"What did you do," I asked in a pleading voice. He was still laughing after I punched him in the face. "WHAT DID YOU DO!'

He laughed as he spit the blood in his mouth to the ground. "I didn't do anything," he said. I raised my hand up, with my claws out.

"LIAM NO," I heard an unfamiliar voice say from behind me, but it was to late. I stabbed him in the chest, and watch the life drain from his eyes. I closed them, and sat down. I looked beside me, only to see Theo walking up to me slowly. He kneeled down next to me, and gave me a hug, with his chin resting on top of my head.

"Who died, Theo," I said to weak to cry. "Who was in the house. He just sighed and pulled me in tighter. I felt myself sobbing, and he ran his hands through my hair, shushing me in a soothing voice. When he let go of me, he cupped my face with his hands, before he gave me a surprised look.

"Your eyes, Liam" he said surprised. I touched them with my hands, and looked back at him with confusion.

"They're red."

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