0.85 | r e a l i t y

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-A L L I S O N-

I sat in the waiting room with Kadence laid across my lap asleep. A nurse walked up to me.

"Are you here for Janison Perry," she asked in a soft tone. I brushed the tears from my eyes and nodded. "You can go to his room," she said as I got up, but realized that Kadence was still in my lap. "I'll watch him," the lady said, taking the seat next to me and moving Kadence's head to her lap, and took her gloves off. I backed away slowly, then ran into his room. I sobbed as I stood in the doorstep, watching his chest rose and fall. I walked closer to him, lightly brushing my fingers against the burns on his arm. I pulled up a chair next to him, and held his hand. I was sobbing so hard that I could barely get the words out.

"You gotta pull through baby," I said choking on the sentence. "I need you and Kadence needs you. Baby we all need you. I can't. I can't lose you too," I said sobbing on his hand.

"Please Jan, I can't lose you too. You have to live for me okay. You have to live for Kadence. We're gonna be happy okay? We're gonna be happy we can be happy together if you just pull through. I saw his chest rising and falling, and I heard him take in one large breath.

Then I heard the flatline on the monitor.

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