0.33 | r e a l i t y

617 21 15

-S C O T T-

I knew my time was running out. I ran to the closet, and hid myself behind a bunch of clothes. He was coming for me, and he was going to find me sooner or later. I heard footsteps walking my way, and I heard the sound of a door opening, not to far from where I was. He was going to find me, I just knew it. I heard the sound of the footsteps reaching my door, and the doorknob turning. I saw the light coming from the living room when he opened the door. I was staring face to face with total annihilation.

"DADDY I FOUND YOU," Duecan said running up to me andc wrapping his arms around my neck. I stood up and carried him into the living room where I spun him around. I sat him down on the couch, and he instantly reached for the remote.

"Hey," I said calling him over to me.

"Yes daddy," he replied with a mischievous grin on his face.

"I know where mommy hides the ice cream." His eyes widened and he began nodding his head and laughing. Just as I was getting up and heading towards the basement, the phone began to ring. Duecan got it off the hook and brought it to me.

"Thanks little man," I say scruffing up his hair before he runs back to his spot on the couch. "Hello," I say while answering.

"Scott," the voice says.


Hi. Yeah its me. What are you doing on Monday?"

"I'll be watching Duecan all day. Khlo doesn't get home until Thursday. Why is something wrong?"

"No, just thought you should know something."

"Know what?"

"Its nothing. Have a nice day Scott."

"Allison wait," I started but she had already hung up the phone. I set the phone on the kitchen counter, grabbed the ice cream and the spoons, and picked it back up on my way back to the couch. I put the gallon between me Duecan, and gave him the phone to put back on the hook.

"What was that about, daddy," he asked with a spoonful of ice cream in his mouth.

"I have no idea," I answered truthfully.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
ooooohhhhhh what do you think that was about? also if you love the society like hmu cause like oh my god. comment and vote! i also just wrote the climax of this story- are happy endings even possible after that

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