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-L Y D I A-

I felt a buzz of electricity run through me, and had a ringing in my ears as I tried to get up from off the ground. The smoke was so thick that I could see it. I looked around. Emmaline was nowhere to be found. Allia laid next to me, and I scrambled over to check her pulse, only not to hear one. She had sacrificed her life over Emmaline's. I tried to wail, to cry, but it felt like my throat had closed in on itself. I cried over her, she chose a little girl over herself. I knew that I had to make my way outside. The window was barricaded, so my only choice was the bedroom door. I kicked the door once, and it didn't open. I had to kick it two more times before it went down, and I was met with instant heat. The smoke was so much thicker down here, and I tried to cough but it was faint. I made my way down the stairs, but all I could see was fire and smoke. Janison laid in front of the front door. I looked around to see if anyone else was still alive, but all I saw were bodies that were engulfed in flames. Sobbing, but not able to cry, I made my way down the stairs and knelt next to Janison, checking his neck for a pulse. His heartbeat was faint, but it was still there. He had probably inhaled a lot of smoke, and I ran into the kitchen and filled the cup with water. I threw the cup on his face, but he still didn't wake up.

"Janison," I said faintly trying to get him to wake him up, shaking him. He couldn't inhale any more smoke or he would certainly die. I had to get him something to breathe through, so I went to the kitchen to grab a wet washcloth, where I was burned on my leg, and wanted to scream in pain. I walked back over to Janison, and put the washcloth over his nose. I ran back to the kitchen to get another wet washcloth so that I could open the door without getting burned, but I was met with a rush of heat and an impact behind me.

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