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-A L L I A -

Lydia and I sat in the room upstairs with Emmaline, when the smoke detector went off. I looked at Lydia, who gave me the same confused look that I was wearing on my face. She stood up and went to open the door, but pulled her hand back after her skin sizzled on the doorknob. She turned back and gave me a frantic look, and I looked down at Emmaline. I quickly ripped the sheet off of her bed, and ran to the bathroom where I ran water on it.

"Put this over your nose, okay," I say, as she nods confused, placing the large cloth over her nose. I felt tears in my eyes, and Lydia stood up and went into the bathroom, to get a towel to wet. I held Emmaline in my arms, as she was sobbing. Just then, Chase jumped through the window, reeking with the smell of gasoline. His entrance caused Emmaline to scream in fear, and I told her to hide under the bed. I stood up in front of her, seemingly protecting her. He laughed at me, and Lydia walked back into the room. She put her hands up as if she was going to scream, but he grabbed her by the neck, choking her, until he let her go and she fell to the ground unconscious. H began to walk toward me, but something in his eyes told me that he was going for Emmaline.

"Please," I began moving more in front of her. "Please don't hurt her. She's so young just please. Please Chase."

"You," he began pointing at me. "Cassidy's best friend. Or her," he said moving his finger to where it was pointing at Emmaline. "The little girl who I'm going to assume is her cousin."

I blinked and let a tear run down my eyes. "Please Chase."

"Just have to figure out which one." He looked at Emmaline."Her sister's downstairs, already dead." I felt like someone punched me and knocked my breath away. I took a step back and began to sob. He could only be talking about Cora. "Or I could leave you both here to die. Yeah, I like that option better," he said walking back towards the window.

"No wait please," I said my arm out seemingly protecting Emmaline. "Please Chase. Please."

He grumbled, but turned around and grabbed Emmaline, as if he was going to save her anyways. He picked her up and made his way down the ladder, and when she was safely on the ground, he came back up and barricades the window. I felt the effects of the smoke, because I could hear the sound of my raspy breathing, and the pinning headache that I had. Lydia was still passed on the floor, but I couldn't move to go help her. Soon, everything went black.

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