0.73 | r e a l i t y

516 15 80

-L I A M-

My mom came rushing up to me as I made my way down the stairs. She ran her hands through my hair, and dusted of my clothes as if they were the dirtiest things in the world.

"Mom," I said laughing at her efforts.

"No son of mine is going to look raggedy on his big day," she said giving me one last brush and stepping back. I never realized how thin my mother was, with her hair down wearing shorts and a crop tip in the middle of December. Only my mother. She pulled me in for a hug, and it's something about her coconut perfume that makes me feel the warmth, the warmth of a mother.

"Knock knock," Chase says knocking on the wall of the kitchen. My mom stepped back, still smiling at me, and I looked at her. Chase came up from behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist. They rocked back in forth, as my mother was still beaming at me.

"You look good kiddo," Chase says. I look at him sideways, but realize that I have nothing to worry about from him. I smiled back.

"Thank you," I said, seeing Stemin walk up to the door, then hearing the sound of the doorbell that followed.

"Good luck baby," my mom said kissing me, before running to open the door. "Have fun you two!"

I decided to take him on a private stone path, walking out of my driveway.

"So what did you want to talk about. You text message seemed," he said, his face puzzled like he was searching for the right words. "Vague," he said finally settling on a word. I decided to dive right into my speech.

"Do you remember last week, when we went to visit the grave of my friend," I asked him. He shook his head immediately. "Brett was never a believer in prolonging things, if you wanted something, go for it."

Stemin shook his head, looking down and smiling. "Brett sounds like he knew what he was talking about. We aren't that different, Brett and I." I felt the ring box in my pocket, my hand shaking. We were almost at the area, just a few more steps.

"Well I am," I replied. Ten steps.

"What do you mean," he asks, looking at me and then looking back down. Twelve steps.

"Well," I began. Three more steps. We're here. I stop walking in front of a fountain, with an assortment of flowers surrounding it. He stopped with his hands in his jacket pocket and looked at me, with his cute red nose. "It's not that I prolong things," I said taking the box out of my pocket, and twiddling with it. He looked at the box, and then looked back at me. "It's just that," I began. Shit, I thought to myself. I was fucking stammering. "I sometimes just. Wait so long that I can talk myself out of stuff." The twirling of the ring box was like black hole, and I could feel myself drifting off, but I had to snap myself back. Stemin have a hearty chuckle, which made me smile. I held up the box nervously, then got down on one knee.

"What I'm trying to say, Stemin, is that I can be myself around you. I don't have to hide my crazy dysfunctional family or my weird quirks and I can always be who I am with you. And, I want to feel that for the rest of my life."

I took the ring out of the box and glanced up at Stemin, who was crying into his hands.

"Will you marry me, Stemin Harrison Jones?"

The tears rolled down his cheeks, and he was trying to wipe them away. I got up and wrapped him in a tight hug, and he whispered in my ear.

"Of course."

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
ooohhhh child things are gonna get easier. ooohhhh child things will get brighter.
hate comments rolling in...


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