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-S T I L E S-

My dad was one of the most amazing people that I've ever known. How do you eulogize someone? I've been planning this speech since I found out, but Dad, Im having trouble with this one. My dad gave up so much for me. He sacrificed a lot of things to accommodate me. He was one of the most selfless people that I knew. I can never forget the earth shattering moment when I found out that my closest confidant was no longer with us. It took a great deal to swallow that down, even know in disbelief. Dad, I don't know how to live my life without you. I know that parents are supposed to prepare their kids for this moment, but we deserved more time. You were supposed to be at my wedding, at the birth of my child. I'm selfish and I want you here for all of that. You're more of a man than I will ever be, but all  I can do is try to live up to who you were.

-S C O T T-

Noah was like a father figure for me, my whole life. I practically grew up in his house, being over there all the time. He was an amazing role model for me, showing me what a man is supposed to be and to do. I was recasted when I found out that he died, I felt like I had lost a piece of my heart. I owe a lot of life to Me. Stilinski, and I will remember him forever.

-M E L I S S A-

We all lost so much that day. Noah was one of my best friends. We practically raised our sons together, and had no choice but to grow close to each other. When I found out that he died, I was in disbelief. He was such a giving person, he gave Scott so much. He was selfless, and he was always putting other people before himself. He always saw nothing but the good in people, and had nothing but love in his heart for everyone. Fly high, Noah. You will be missed.

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