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-N A R R A T O R-

Lydia and Allia sat upstairs, playing with little Emmaline. Corey and Mason were downstairs, sitting at a table with Anamalia, making small conversation. Janison walked through the door, finally deciding to sit on a couch and think about all the things he would say to his son. He couldn't stop thinking about seeing his son in person since his birth. Khloe and Cora were putting up remaining streamers on the staircase. Allison and Kadence had just finished getting ready, putting their present and food dishes in the back of the car. Scott and Duecan stopped for ice cream, and were headed to the party. Malia and Bessie were in the car, fifteen miles away from the old Hale house. Stemin, Liam, and Krassy made their way into the driveway, only to see someone that they knew standing in their way. Stiles drove himself in deep thought, wondering if he would finally be able to speak to Allia and tell her how sorry he was, and that he pnly loved her, and wanted forever with her. Cassidy was on her way home from her birthday lunch while Isaac was driving. And Derek was making his way back from the grocery store with the milk that his sister so needed to live.

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