0.63 | r e a l i t y

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-T H E O-

As I was putting Kyle's laundry into his drawers, I heard the door slam, and then a thump against the door. I looked at my watch. Emy should have been home by now. I ran towards the door, and saw Emy sitting against it, crying. A wave of sadness rushed over me, and I walked to sit next to her, pulling her into my arms. Her hand gripped firmly on my arm as she began to sob harder. I rested my chin on her hair, stroking her hair with my hand. She was done sobbing, but she was still sniffling, and she was still clinging onto me.

"Whats, wrong babe," I said still stroking her hair. She sniffled again.,

"These kids, Theo," she said, her voice breaking. "They have no where to go, no one to care for them. They're all alone," she said before she started crying again. I pulled her in closer.

"Your friend Allia came into my office today. She filled out an application to be a foster parent," she said without sobbing. "And she's so perfect. She can sign ASL and she has this amazing energy.," Emy says sobbing again. "I want to take care of them but I can't. I just can't," she said breaking down. "With Kevin I just. I just don't know how his autism would deal with that much anxiety. And then if the child had to leave." She cried even harder.

"Babe, you can't save everyone. I know you, you'll try but hon, Kevin was yours, is yours. When he graduates we can talk about it then, okay. Okay, Emy." She nodded into my shirt, but she was still crying. I set up her head against a door frame, and grabbed the big blanket off the couch. I took her shoes off and put them in the cubby by the door, and placed her jacket on the hook. I sat back down next to her, and wrapped around both of us, pulling her into me again.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

-C H A S E-

Cassidy and Liam have to pay for what they did.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
okay so for everyone who wants this back together just letting you know that this book is over 100 chapters long so

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