0.53 | r e a l i t y

567 14 46

- L I A M -

I hadn't seen Chase since the day him and my mom showed up at Red Lobster. But there he came, walking through the door, the day Stemin and I were supposed to be alone and finally take the next step in our relationship. Instead, my somewhat stepdad walked through the door, as if he hadn't been here the past month. The table was already set for two, with plates on either side of the table. Chase made himself comfortable on his usual side, and then I had to move into the chair next to Stemin. God I hated this guy.

"What's been going on, Liam," he said unfolding his napkin and putting it in his lap, just as Luiza brought me another plate of food. He cleared his throat before taking a first bite of his food. I glanced over at Stemin, who was eating his food awkwardly. I cleared my throat.

"I've just been busy," i said putting a spoonful of mashed potatoes up to my mouth. Chase waved Luiza over, and she brought him a glass of water.

"With what," he said taking another bite of oxtail, then taking a gulp of water.

"Stemin and I have been here and there," I reply, and Stemin nods at Chase at the mention of his name. Chase nods his head as he cleans his mouth with a napkin.

"Been hanging out with any of your other friends," he asks setting his napkin down on the table.

"Not particularly, why?"

"You've only been hanging out with Stemin all this time. What about your other friends?"

"Most of my friends hang out with their partners too."

"So you're telling me that you hang out with none of your friends.

"What are you getting at, Chase," I ask him putting my fork down and looking at him, my fists clenched.

"Nothing. Can't I just be interested in my son's life."

Son. I thought. He just called me his son. I shrugged and ate a stem og broccoli.

"what about that guy that helped you at Red Lobster. Theo I think?" The name froze me in my tracks. Stemin shifted in his chair and Chase took a gulp of water. "Why don't you ever hang out with Theo?"

"He's my ex," I grumbled underneath my breath. "That's why."

"Why'd you guys break up," he asked, sounding like he had a mouthful of food. At that point, my head went down a spiral. The things Theo said about my mom, but also how good he treated me. Theo was the first real love I ever had, and I was stupid enough to lose him. All my anger surfaced, and came put in one sentence that I regretted saying as soon as it came out of my mouth.

"It certainly wasn't because he beat me all the time." Stemin dropped his fork on the ground, and scrambled to pick up. Chase, with his knife in his hand was giving me a death stare, and I sat facing him with a spoon in my balled fist.

"Stemin can you give us a minute," I asked, but before the last word came out Stemin was already up and making his way upstairs. I looked at Chase, who had begun eating his food again. I was so angry at him. He began to say something but I cut him off.

"Don't even lie to me, I know you did it. When she would come over to my house, I saw what you did to her. I saw it on your wedding, a faint bruise on her back. You think I forgot?"

Chase wiped his mouth and stared at me.

"Forgot what? I never did anything to Cass. I did nothing but love that stupid immature girl. She wanted someone who was going to take her places. She chose to be with me, she chose to walk down that aisle, and she chose to stay with me for those two years. She could have left me at any time I wasn't keeping her in chains. So tell me Liam, if I'm such a bad guy, why did it take her so long to leave me?"

My heart ached for Cassidy, knowing that she loved this twisted man, that's the real reason she stayed. He'll always be with her, and that's not something she can control.

"You killed her baby," I finally choked out. "I'm one of two people she told but I know she's telling the truth. You killed her baby that's why she finally left. Because she found someone she loved more than you, her unborn child."

"I didn't kill anyone," he said sternly. I pushed my seat back and threw my napkin on the table.

"Don't touch my mom," was all I said before making my way upstairs.

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