0.69 | r e a l i t y

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-L I A M-

"Where are we going," Stemin asks me as we pulled up to the cemetery. I take the white roses from the backseat of my car, and slam the door. I walk around to his side and grab his hand.

"You'll see," I said. He gripped my hand firmly, as if he was protecting me from something. I welcomed the embrace, walking into him, tightening my shoulders, feeling the cold wind hit my face. I looked around, everything was beautiful. The way the trees glistened, the crunching of the leaves, the warmth coming from Stemin's hand. Then I realized where we were, a cemetery. There's not supposed to be any beauty in a cemetery. I glanced at Stemin who was looking straight ahead, then turned his head to me and smiled.

"What," he said through his smile in his adorable Australian accent. I gave a faint smile and shook my head no, turning back towards the direction we were headed. I stopped when we came in front of his grave.

"Brett Talbot," Stemin said reading the headstone. I squatted down to place two roses on his grave, kissing them before placing them down.

"Brett Talbot," I said repeating the names to myself. I smiled to myself, looking at the stacking rocks, a symbol of peace. A tear came to my eyes, but I quickly wiped it away, and Stemin helped me back up. I walked two graves over, and placed the remaining flowers on Lori's grave. Two people who were taken to soon. This time I couldn't help the tear that ran down my face. I walked back to Brett's grave, hiding my face in my coat jacket, the tears stinging my face combined with the cold wind. I turned back to look at his headstone, crying, unable to hold it in this time. Stemin walked from behind me and hugged my waist, and rested his chin on my shoulder.

"What is it love," he asked, hugging me tighter. I broke the hug, and went to pat the ground under which Brett was buried.

"Brett was a believer in having fun," I said, giving a forced laugh. He had such a magnetic personality, everyone loved him. I wish I would've made up with him earlier, we could have had more time."

I could feel Stemin squatting behind me.

"He was also a believer in not dwelling, living in the moment, not wasting anytime."

I finally got up and turned around. Stemin stood up to, facing me. Suddenly I was looking at him in a whole new light. The way he looked at me, the way he took his hand in mine, everything suddenly changed for me.

"He sounds like he was an amazing person," Stemin said wrapping me in a hug.

"He was," I said, as if Brett was speaking to me, even from the great beyond.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
i miss brett

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