0.62 | r e a l i t y

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-L I A M -

I never thought that I'd find love after Theo, but here I was at Stemin's house on his living room, muffling my head with his shirt. He had is arm wrapped around, making me feel safe and at ease, like everything was right.

"You know," I began sitting up. He paused the TV and gave me his signature smile.

"What is it that you do," I said finally asking the question that has been on my mind since we first met. Garbage men don't have this nice of an apartment.

"Truth is," he said setting down the popcorn. God he was so fucking beautiful. "I'm an environmental engineer. My team and I have been doing research and we're trying to see if we can turn harmful garbage into something better. That's the gist of it anyway."

His accent was so hot. I could nothing but smile at him. I threw a pillow at him, and before he could retaliate, I leaned on top of him and kissed him. He put his hand on my cheek and the other on my neck, while I placed a hand on his waist. He was the most passionate kisser, holding me like I was fragile and could break at any moment. He sat up and our lips were still together, with me sitting on top of his knees. He slowly moved to where I was laying down against the edge of the couch, and he was on top of me. He moved one hand down to my waist, and his other hand was stroking my neck. He broke our kiss to take his shirt off, and I stared at him for what seemed like forever until he began to kiss me again. I pulled my hand out from under me to put on his chin, and accidentally hit the remote. It wasn't even two seconds later that Spongebob Squarepants came playingvover the TV. Stemin and I were in a kiss, but not before he started to laugh, which made me laugh too. He collapsed on to me, and I wrapped my arms around him bring us closer together. He was still laughing, so I missed him again.

"Spongebob?" he asked me, still smiling.

"Spongebob," I said putting the remote on the floor. He moved behind me and pulled the blanket over me and then wrapped me in his arms. I had never wanted to marry anyone so much in my entire life.

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