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KRASSY DUNBAR: biological mother of Liam Dunbar

JONATHAN DUNBAR: son of Krassy Dunbar and half- brother to Liam Dunbar

STEMIN JONES: the "garbage man". "friends" with Liam Dunbar

EMY LITHICRO: girl that was invited to malia's wedding. theo spilled his drink on her and they begin to text frequently.

ALLIA MCCALL: sister of scott mccall. dating stiles stillinski.

KHLOE BOSWELL: girlfriend of scott mccall and mother of his son (duecan).

CASSIDY HALE: sister of derek hale and girlfriend of isaac. she was married to an abusive husband named chase

JANISON PERRY: newest to the pack (besides theo). ex boyfriend to allison argent and father to her son, kadence.

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