0.16 | r e a l i t y

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-L I A M-

" Um Liam, can you come play the dinosaurs with me," Jonathan says smiling and fidgeting in front of me. He sticks them in my face.

"RAWR," he says in a cute grumble, which made me chuckle.

"Yes of course I'll play the dinosaurs with you," I said setting my phone down on the island and getting up from my spot in the kitchen. I ruffled his hair before he hopped along towards the main staircase. As I reached the first step, I heard the sound of the doorbell ring. I turned to look, and an attractive guy with dark hair in a flannel stood behind the glass door.

"Oh," Jonathan exclaimed as he pushed past me and ran to the door.

"Jonathan, her back here," I said sternly but he had already opened up the door. He held onto his dinosaurs and kept a smile on his face.

"What's up little buddy," the guy said crouching down and giving Jonathan a fist bump.

"Nothing," Jonathan replied. "Mommy says that he's my brudder he said pointing at me. I couldn't help but smile. The guy stood up and looked at me.

"You're his brother," he asked clearly confused and pointing at Jonathan.

"Yeah," I began. "I'm his older half brother," I said walking to him and shaking his hand. I was still very skeptical of him. "Nice to meet you," I started. "Please come in."

"Sure," he said walking into the house and closing the door behind him. I walked into the kitchen to dial Krassy.

"Hello," she said annoyed when she finally picked up.

"Hey mom," I said letting my voice waver. I've never actually said that out loud before.

"Hi," she said happily again over the phone. "What's up kid." I turned to look over at the guy.

"There's some guy here. He has like brown hair," I started before I was cut off.

"And he's amazingly hot. Yeah hon, that's Stemin," she said.

"Stemin," I asked a little to loudly into the phone.

"Huh," he replied as he looked up at me.

"I'm sorry," I begin to say to him. "I was just talking to my mom."

"Oh Krassy. Can you put her on speaker then," he asks me. I was taken aback by the question.

"Uh, sure," I said moving the phone from my ear and pressing the speaker button.

"So what exactly is he here for," I ask my mother.

"Who. Stemin? Oh yeah he's just the trash guy," she says. I turn and look at him.

"Yep that's me. I'm just the trash guy," he said in a way that sounded like he meant something more.

"Hey Krass," he yells from across rooms.

"Oh, hi," she says happily.

"Alright bye mother," was the last thing that I said before hanging up the phone.

"The trash guy," I turned and asked him.

"Yeah, let's go with that," he says taking a trash bag and heading out the door.

"Bye bye," Jonathan says to him after opening the door.

"Bye," he said looking at me. All I could think about as he was walking out the door was Theo.

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