0.37 | r e a l i t y

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- L I A M -

I took my place at a table near the bar, and waited for Lydia to get there. I looked through the menu, and glanced at the bar next to my table, until I heard someone slide into the seat across from me.

"Hi Liam," she exclaimed putting her purse behind her and looking through her own menu.
"I'm so glad that we're finally getting to do this," she said looking through it.

"Yeah," I replied closing my menu and clasping my hands together underneath the table.

"So, how have you been," I asked her. Her smile got even brighter before she turned and looked up at me.

"That's actually why I wanted you here," she says closing her menu too.

"Oh," I asked.


"Well what is it Lyds? Are you okay?"

"Yeah it's just," she started before I spotted Allison walking through the door. She was toting a young boy by the hand, and he was following behind her, and I laughed because he looked like he didn't want to go. I laughed at it, but I also wondered who he was. Allison's smile was bright as she walked through the door and over to our table, but she looked confused when she saw me at the table. She smiled at me anyway, and pulled up a chair so that the little boy could sit at the end of the table. His head barely reached above the table top. Lydia looked confused, and stared back and forth between the boy and Allison.

"Is there," Lydia started pointing her fork between the boy and Allison. Just then, someone else walked through the door, and it was no one other than Theo Raeken.

- T H E O -

If I had known that Liam freaking Dunbar was going to be here, I wouldn't have come. Still, I made my way to the table, with Emy trailing behind me. I grabbed us two chairs while Lydia stood up to hug Emy.

"I remember you from the wedding," Lydia exclaimed, pulling Emy into a hug. I turned around just in time to see Emy's radiant smile, and I smiled at the realization of how beautiful Emy really was. My smile was quickly wiped off of my face when I caught a glimpse of Liam, wearing the hurtest face that I have ever seen on a person. What the hell was I doing. I mean, I'm gay right? So why am I looking at this wonderful and amazing girl like she's the light of my life. It was in that moment that i decided to put Emy's chair at the other end of the table, while I stuck mine between Lydia and Allison. A waitress came over to the table with a water pitcher, and a look of stress plastered on her face, with water barely sloshing over the sides.

"Bigger table, no" she said in a thick accent. I looked around at everyone else, but it was Lydia who finally spoke up.

"Yes please. That would be lovely."

We all picked up our things to relocate, and then Cassidy burst in through the entrance door.

- L I A M -

"How many people are going to walk through that damn door," I said in my mind, as Cass frantically rushed up to me.

"What did you mean on the phone yesterday, Liam," she asked me, seemingly out of breath.

"How did you find me?"

"Someone might have told me that you were having lunch here today. Cut the shit. What's going on, Liam," she said taking the seat next to me at our new table. I could see Allison's eyes darting back and forth between us, eager to say something but holding her tongue.

"Who's here," Cass asked me again. I sighed and rubbed my temples, deciding to change the subject. I turned and looked at Allison.

"Allison, who is," my voice trailing off as I gestured to the little boy that she had brought in with her. She grinned at the little boy, who was coloring in his kid's menu drawing.

"This," she said tearing up a bit.

"This is Kadence. He's my son," she said choking, smiling and tearing up. Everyone at the table was silent. Allison? With a child.

"Your," Theo chimed in. "Is he your biological son?"

Allison nodded her head and ran her fingers through his head, which he swatted away and then got back to coloring. Allison was still nodding.

"Yes, he's mine," she said to us. "Just mine," she said to the point where it was barely audible. A look of sadness washed over her face. Lydia cleared her throat.

"So, who's the father? If, you don't mind me asking," Lydia said.

"No, I don't mind. It's um. It's Janison's but, Kadence and I will do just fine on our own," she said putting more depth into her voice and wiping her tears away. The waitress came back and brought us our water, and then left in a hurry. Cassidy took a quick look into hers before she put her straw in, and let out a small scream.

"There's something in my drink," she cried out frantically. I held up the glass and saw what looked like a dead spider, caught between the ice.

"You should take that to the kitchen," I said, and cass got up and stormed off. Just then, I saw a familiar couple walk through the door, and at the same time as the guy was walking in, I heard a shatter and saw glass itching its way across the floor. I spoke to the woman.

"Mom," I asked. She looked happy to see me. I turned to find that the broken glass belonged to no other but Cass. Just then, all I heard was the clamor of names being tossed around.




Cass looked near into tears as Chase made his way closer and closer to her. At that very moment I heard Lydia's voice ring out above all of the clamor.

"I'm pregnant."

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
publishing the part two later :) i like the suspense

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