0.26 | r e a l i t y

754 17 48

- T H E O -

I walked up to the door of Krassy Dunbar's house like I wasn't scared to lose the one true thing that I had going for me. He opened the door and walked away, not even inviting me in. We were already off to a pretty bad start. I walked in and closed the door behind me, and say Liam sitting at the kitchen across from Jonathan. Jonathan looked up at me and waved.

"Hi Theo," he said and then immediately looked down and started playing with his dinosaurs again.

"Hey," I said, my voice cracking. Liam just looked annoyed.

"Liam," I said more question like than statement like. He turned to look at me, but didn't say a word. "Can we talk please."

He rolled his eyes as he pushed back his chair and slouch walked to where he was standing right in front of me.

"Can we go somewhere more private than this," I said, my eyes drifting over to Jonathan. Liam crosses his arms, and I could tell that he wasn't moving anywhere.

"Or we can just stand here," I said mostly to myself. Liam just glared at me.

"I'm sorry, Liam. I don't know what it's like... to have a mom. I guess that I've always grown up resenting them that I didn't even give you a chance to get to know your own, and I'm sorry."

The look of blankness in Liam's face nearly killed me. It was the best feeling ever when he walked up to me and smashed his lips against mine, pulling me in by my waist.

"I'm sorry Theo. I've been so caught up in this...," he trailed off gesturing to the house. "That I hadn't realized that I was neglecting you. I love you Theo, so much, and I'm sorry if it hasn't felt like that lately," Liam says, his voice cracking. I had a giant feeling of relief rush across me, and pulled him in for a hug. We were in the that position for what seemed like forever, until Jonathan came running in the room.

"Liam, mommy said that she really needs you," the little boy said frantically and ran back to Krassy's room. Liam started to walk back that way but I grabbed him.

"Liam don't do this. We were... we were just talking. Can we at least finish our conversation," I say in a pleading voice. Liam snatches his arm from my grasp and turns to look at me.

"Are you being fucking serious right now? My mom needs me, Theo."

"She's manipulating you Liam. She's a freaking alcoholic for god's sake. Why can't you fucking see that."

"Why can't you see that she needs someone here who understands. You're so unbelievable."

"I'm the unbelievable one?"

"Get the fuck out Theo," Liam says as he begins walking to Krassy's room.

"Babe," I begin calling after him. "If you choose her over me, I'm leaving. I'm serious this time."

Liam turns back around and holds his arms out.

"I'm sorry, but I guess that you're leaving," he says before turning around and running back to Krassy's room. I waited until I got in my car to cry my eyes out.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

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