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-P E T E R-

Anamalia Hale was my wife of five years. She was the mother of my daughter, and the mother that Malia never had. The thing that I admired most about her, was her caring and kind spirit. She was such a beautiful soul, and I-. I'm sorry everyone. I promised myself tha I would cry but just. I'm sorry. Anamalia was the love of my life. She saw through all of my flaws and brought out the good. That's all that anyone can ask for. I love you so much Ana.

-C O R E Y-

I was inside the house and hen it caught fire. So was Anamalia. As I was running towards the back to get out of the house, I tripped on a stool and hit my head extremely hard on a counter. I woke up to Anamalia helping me to get out of the back door. She was frantic, and not knowing where Emmaline was, she went back inside the house. I waited for her but she never came back out. I know that she didn't die in vain, as Emmaline made it out. I didn't know her as well as most people but I owe her my life. I'm just sorry that she didn't get to live out the rest of hers.

-M A L I A-

Anamalia was the mother that I never had. My own mother claimed that I took something from her, and tried to kill me multiple times. When my dad first met Anamalia, he was genuinely happy. My dad doesn't get happy about very many things, but I knew that when he came home that night and said that he met a woman in an arcade, I knew that he was going to marry her. I lost a lot that day, and I. I. I'm not going to cry. Anamalia had such a nurturing spirit, she was the only mother that I ever needed, and I'm sorry that I didn't get to show her more love, because I loved her so much. Thank you for showing me what a good mother looks like, and thank you for helping me become the best mother I can to Bessie. I love you mom.

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