0.94 | r e a l i t y

542 11 37

-S T E M I N-

I walked into the bar, and immediately spotted someone that I recognized as one of Liam's friends. I went to sit next to her, and noticed that she had seven shot glasses lined up iin front of her. The bartender came over to me, her look asking me what I wanted.

"Give me the strongest thing you got." The girl looked over at me with a shot glass in her hand, and toasted it to me.

"What the fuck happened to you," she said slurring her words, then drinking her shot.

"My fiance won't leave his room and he won't talk to me and I haven't seen his fucking face is at least a week." She turned to the bartender, and waved her over, signaling another shot.

"My wife fucking died and now I'm a single mom. Don't worry my baby isn't sitting in here, she's with her dad," she said taking another shot. I just gave her a confused look.

"Well," I said standing up. "You're clearly in no condition to drive." I outstreched my hand to her. "Let me drive you home." She took my hand, and tried to find her footing as she stood up.

"I'm a lesbian," she said walking in front of me. I laughed out loud.

"Well I'm engaged."

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
this has nothing to do with the book but my ex is with the girl he cheated on me with and i feel awful for feelings some type of way about it. also hoped you enjoy this chapter but i'm really going through some shut right now😂

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