0.38 | r e a l i t y

618 18 6

- L I A M -

My mom. Cassidy. Lydia is pregnant? I heard a light ringing, which only got louder and louder until my vision blackened and I felt myself fall to the ground. I only awakened to a bolt of electricity jolting through me, and the feeling of someone shaking me.

"Wake up," a voice was sobbing in the distant. I could feel myself slowly regaining consciousness, and the more I regained, the louder the voice became.

"Wake up. Wake up Liam damn it!"

I felt a rush, and snapped my eyes open, only to see Theo in front of me, shaking me frantically. My mom stood above him, with a worried look on her face. She took in a huge gasp when she saw that I was  awake. She pushed Theo out of the way and kneeled down next to me where he was. I glanced over at Theo, who was staring down my mother. She pulled me up and into her arms, and I got a huge whiff of coconut. She was holding me as if I had been brought back from the dead. Then I remembered Cassidy. She sat next to Lydia, and I scrambled to look for Chase who was no where to be found. Then it hit me. Lydia. Lydia was pregnant. I squirmed enough do that my mom would let me go, then I walked over to Lydia, Cassidy went to sit by Allison and Kadence, along with Emy.

"Are you really pregnant," I asked Lydia in a hushed whisper.

"Yes," she whispered back to me, as if it felt unreal to her. "I am."

"How? I don't know if you noticed but... you're married to a girl."

Lydia leaned back and lifted her chin and began to laugh.

"I am aware," she said with the greatest smile. "Artificial insemination, Liam. It's something we've always wanted," she said turning seriously.

"And, you just got some random donor?"

"Jackson. Jackson agreed to do it for us as long as he gets to see them every once in a while."

I'm turned to look for Cassidy, but she was gone, and Chase was still missing. I quickly got up from my seat and looked around. They were no where to be found.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
i'm curious. how do you think this book is going to end. BIG QUESTION! do you think everyone lives

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