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- L I A M -

"I'll get it," my mom says walking up from her spot at the the table to answer the door. I peek my nosy ass towards the door, and see my mother being swept off the ground, squealing.

"You're back," she exclaims smiling and giggling. I smiled at my mother. The person holding her walked through the door and closed it with his free hand. He set his suitcase to the side, and walked backwards to where he was leaning up against the door.

"I've missed you so much love," he says before putting her down and turning over to look at me. My mom brushes her hair back out of her face and holds his arm.

"This is my son, Liam. The one I told you about," she said beaming at me. I waited nervously for his reaction. I was happy to see a smile creep up in his face as he made is way over to me.

"I'm Chase," he said extending a hand out to me, still smiling. I shook it firmly and gave him a smile.

"Daddy," Jonathan says running to Chase, smiling. He hugs his knees as Chase takes a step back from the impact. He rubs Jonathan on the head and picks him up.

"What's up big guy," Chase says laughing.

"I met brudder," Jonathan says pointing to me.

"I see," Chase says looking in my direction, still smiling. Jonathan squirmed down and took the seat next to me, while Chase and my mom sat on the opposite ends of the table. Just as my mother sat down, the doorbell rang again.

"I got it," my mom says getting up again. "Hi Stemin," she exclaims when opening the door. "Come on in hon, we just started," she says as Stemin steps through the door. She begins to walk back over to the table, and Stemin follows behind her.

"You remember Liam, right," my mom asks sitting down.

"Yeah," he said gazing at me while taking the seat across from me.

"Hi Stem," Jonathan says without looking up from his food.

"What's up little buddy," Stem says as a maid brings out his food.

"Gracias," he says as he takes a knife and begins to cut the steak. We sat in silence for a minute before Chase spoke up.

"So Liam, what do you do," he says setting his knife down and taking a bite of steak.

"Well," I begin scooping up a spoonful of mashed potatoes. "I'm in my final year of college now and I'm majoring in business, but I want to be a financial analyst." I say and then eat the mashed potatoes. Chase just nods his head as he takes another bite of steak.

"That's a good career choice," he said pointing a fork with steak at the end of it at me. "Makes good money."

"Thank you," I said, unsure of what to say. We sat in silence again for another couple of minutes, until my mom decided to speak up.

"So Stem, what have you been up to recently," she says. Stemin sets down his fork in the napkin and wipes his mouth.

"Nothing really. Just working," he says placing his wrists on the table. My mom nods and wipes her mouth too.

"You know Liam, Stemin is single too," she says looking at me. I smile a little bit.

"But mom, I'm not single," I say chuckling. She turns to Stemin, and I could tell by the way he laughed and the way that he looked at me that she had something funny. I just gave a small laugh, but the only thing that I could think of was how Stemin liked guys.

"So Liam," Stemin says turning the conversation back onto me. " I didn't think that you lived here," he says with a small smile.

"I don't, I says cutting off another piece of my steak. "I... got in a fight with my boyfriend earlier today and I just," I say feeling tears come to my eyes, but I fight them back down. "I just thought that it was best to not stir the kettle so I left," I finally finished. Stemin looked at me like he didn't believe a word that I just said. He just nodded and everything fell quiet. The maids brought out desert, but Stemin stopped one of them.

"Could you bring me a pen please," he asks smiling, and the maid began to blush. Soon, my mom, Chase, and Jonathan had all retreated to my mom and Chase's room, which left me letting Stemin out of the house.

"So you and your boyfriend had a fight huh," Stemin asked me as we walked to the door.

"Yeah," I said sighing. "A fight." Stemin nodded his head and looked at me.

"Are you really just a garbage person," I asked him, intrigued by how little I knew about him, but how close I felt to him. He just looked down and chuckled, and handed me a napkin.

"My number," he said brushing his hand against mine. "Take it, if you want to talk," he said before walking outside and closing the door behind him. I wore the biggest grin on my face as I walked upstairs to my room.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
the picture above is of chase. i don't know why i feel like y'all hate this book😂

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