Chapter 1

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There was a knocking at my door. I sighed and opened it as Chantel burst into the apartment, dancing around.

"I'm so excited for tonight!" she said, bouncing around the room. Her eyes rested on me. "Please tell me you are not going like that?"

"I'm not going. It's just going to be another crap club where you get groped by every guy that lays his eyes on you. I don't feel like losing my pride today."

"Come on Teghan. Please?"

I rolled my eyes. "Fine, but I didn't want to go."

She smiled and bounded into my bedroom, sorting through my wardrobe. She came out a few minutes later with three dresses in her hand. "Try these on, and hurry up. We don't have much time"

I tried them all on and Chantel told me to stick with an emerald green one. It was tight around the chest and torso but flowed down my thighs to just above my knee. Chantel tossed me a pair of heels that I slipped on, ready to go.

We walked out of the apartment together, me hiding the front door key under the welcome mat so I didn't lose it while I was out. Chantel dragged me through the streets and into the queue as the club doors opened. The long line began to filter in. I sighed, looking at the length of the queue.

"Spy anyone you fancy?" She asked, winking at me.

"Not been looking. You?"

She pointed at one. "He's mine,"
"I think that's his girlfriend stood next to him."

"I can easily out do that girl. He will be begging to come home with me by the end of the night."

"If you say so."

"You need to find a man to stay with. You're becoming quite pathetic recently." Her voice was slightly venomous.

"At least I am trying not to sleep with every man I meet." I muttered.

"What did you say?" She glared at me.


We didn't speak again until we got inside the club. By then she had ran off to find the hot guy she had spied. I rolled my eyes. How predictable. I sat in the corner of the club, trying to blank out the music and muster up the courage to leave. Just then, one guy came and sat next to me.

"Hey," he said, eyeing me up.

"Hi," I answered, sounding quite snappy.

"What's your name?"

"I'm Teghan. Who are you?"

"I'm Dylan. You know what? I would love to rearrange the alphabet so that 'U' and 'I' are together."

"It's a shame 'N' and 'O' are already together." I looked away and folded my arms across my chest.

"You're fiesty. Let me buy you a drink."

"I was just leaving." I got up and began towards the exit.

"Let me walk you home."

"I know the way." I continued walking, but I knew he was following me. I ignored him and walked out of the club and into the night. I turned to see him following again. I carried on walking down the street, trying to get home as fast as I could manage in heels. I could hear him running behind me. I felt my chest contract with fear. I kept going, trying not to look back. I felt an arm grab hold of me and push me against and empty building in the street. Dylan was stood in front of me, a knife in his hand held against my throat.

"You should have played nice." He growled at me.

"Let me go." I said, voice trembling.

"You're going nowhere. You're going to die right here."

"Please don't kill me." I felt tears rise into my eyes.

"Let's start by slitting your pretty little throat." He purred and pulled the knife back. As he did, a car came past, its headlights reflecting off the blade of the knife. Sobbing, my body was shaking. I screamed as the car passed, the knife getting closer to my neck. The car stopped abruptly and a man jumped out. So did another. Dylan span around and sighted them. He put the knife into my stomach and ran, taking the knife with him. I fell to my knees and continued to sob. I held one hand over the wound. One of the men from the car began to chase after Dylan while one came over to me.

"Are you okay?"

I couldn't control my crying. Pulses of pain ran across my body. "He stabbed me." I sobbed.


"Stomach." I felt my head begin to go fuzzy. My stomach burned in agony. The man took my bloodied hand away from my wound.

"Mark! Call an ambulance!" He shouted.

My body lost the strength to keep supporting itself, leaving me to lean against the man. "Help me," I whispered and felt my vision grow dark spots. The man slipped his top over his head and pushed it to my wound. It quickly grew coated in blood. My breathing became harsher and less frequent. I felt my body become weaker and weaker by the minute. Another man soon made his way over to me.

"I couldn't catch the bastard," he said. "How is she?"

"Not well. Ambulance should be here any minute." I felt an urge to close my eyes drown me. I struggled against the urge, trying to stay awake. "Don't close your eyes." The first man said.

"Am I dying?" I asked, my breaths weak.

"No. You're going to be okay."

I couldn't fight against the urge any more. My eyes closed and my body went weak as everything was filled with darkness.

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