5: The Power [I Power]

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Thessalia looked up at the moonless sky, feeling alone. Abandoned for centuries, on her own. It has been two weeks and Ailwin wasn't back. She feared that she will never see him again. For the last time he went there, he came back after ten centuries. She roamed on the grounds of the Moonscribe castle. It was empty for a long time, now. Ever since her parents died, this place has become dark.

She has been ruling for centuries, and yet nothing was wrong. But her brother had threatened her. He said that she will ruin everything. But she was going to prove to him that he was wrong.

She turned around and walked inside her castle and clenched her fists. "My Lady!" Orrian shouted as he came running towards her. She stopped and looked at him.

"What is it?" She demanded. He stopped in front of her and bowed.

"I have searched for Sapphirus and found something interesting." Thessalia raised her brows and he cleared his throat. "You are right, he is not a human and does not belong on this island."

"What the hell are you talking about?" She stepped forward and he froze.

"He is something else than a human. And no one knows what." He almost choked as she walked past him. Her expression that of disbelief. He stood there as she walked away. He sighed and walked out of the castle halls, doubting himself for telling her the truth.

Now I think I know who he is. I have met him before, but decades ago. She slammed the door behind her and walked towards her bed.

"What a heartbreaking act?" Someone called behind her and she stopped dead. She has heard that voice before, but only once. She stood with her back on the person as he approached her.

Ruven Sunblood wrapped his arms around her and her heart sank. She pushed him away and glared at him. He was standing with his hands raised. "Sorry about that." He was smiling and winked at her as he sat on the edge of her bed.

"What the hell are you thinking you are doing here?" Thessalia demanded with gritted teeth and readying herself to strike him.

His smile vanished as he stood up and looked at her. "I thought you were a good person, but I think I was wrong." He sounded like he was broken. What was wrong with him? Coming into someone's room and hugging them without permission and then telling them that they were not good.

"Do you think you are a good person? Coming without permission in someone's room and trying to...." Words failed her and he looked at her with an angry look in his eyes.

"You are still behaving rudely." He said, flatly and faced her. She gritted her teeth and moved towards him, forming a dagger with her powers. He clicked his tongue and within a moment she was pinned on her bed. He put his hands on her shoulders and lowered his face. "You don't know anything, Thessalia Moonscribe." He clenched his teeth and closed his eyes. She held her breath and stared at those beautiful sun-like burning eyes till he closed them. "You just know about yourself. Open your eyes and look around yourself. Many are suffering because of your decisions. Look around you. Your brother is right. You command nothing!!" He opened his eyes and looked at her moon-like beautiful face.

"My Lady." At that very moment, Ethlando entered the room. He stopped dead as Ruven moved away from Thessalia and put his hands on his eyes and walked towards the window and jumped out. He was gone within a moment. Thessalia sat up and exhaled. She looked up at Ethlando and bit her lips. "What brings you here?" She asked politely and stood up.

"I will talk to you later." He smiled and walked away, closing the door behind him. She sighed and turned around to close the windows of her room but stopped when something caught her attention. There was blood on the floor. And it was fresh. She stopped dead. She didn't move for several minutes, looking at the blood. It wasn't there when she entered the room and Ruven talked with her. She called in a maid and told her to clean the blood. It was gone within a second. But for her, it remained right there. She relaxed and walked out of the room. Was it Ruven's blood? She shook her thoughts away and held her head high. Why am I thinking about that man? He is my greatest enemy. She entered the meeting room and found Ethlando waiting for her, along with his sister.

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