28: The Rescue [I Rescue]

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She had walked around the grounds, but every time she was surrounded by the dark powers of the shadows. She remained in her room and looked out at the grounds. Kegin had warned her trice already. And the next time he will come, it will be death calling her. And five days before her wedding, he did come and smirked at her as two shadows came with him. He didn't say anything but looked at the shadows and nodded once as he walked out of the room. And she was about to call for him when one of the shadows entered her mind and tore through her nightmares. She screamed as she fell and blood fell on the ground from her nose. She was breaking too quickly, it was unlike her. She was losing hope only because her brother hadn't come to her. And Paeris had gone missing along with his son. There was no news about him. Voices of her dead companies echoed around her as the room darkened and there was no light left. Even her own light hid in a corner to be safe.

Thessalia screamed as she fell on the ground with pain and looked at the two shadows, silently begging them to stop, begging the creatures of death and terror to stop. What had happened to her? Father loved us more dearly than our mother. Ailwin's voice called and she closed her eyes, remembering the words he had spoken to her when they had last seen each other. You are the daughter of Moon and Light, but you were born with other qualities within you. I was made into what I am today, but you were born to rule. Promise me you will never break?

I will never.

She had promised her brother and now she was letting them break herself. She opened her eyes as tears rolled down her and she searched for her powers deep inside, and at last, she found them. She forced it to rise and slowly her powers rose high and wrapped her body, slowly moving the shadows away from her. Never give up, for there is always hope even in the darkest hours. Till the end, we will fight together. All of us. Together. We will pull each other away from the darkness, together. Ailwin had said and she smiled as his voice echoed in the mind and her body light up. Shadows drew back but attacked again and again. But she sat up and then slowly stood up, glaring at them.

"Go and tell Kegin, that to break me, he will first have to break Ailwin Moonscribe, Ruven Bloodfire, Lixiss Bloodfire, Waesren Whisperwood, and Ryfon Raventears. He will have to kill them to break me. Because if they live, I live. And I am a free soul." Her powers shoved the shadows away and the darkness was lifted from all around her. When she felt the shadows gone, her eyes closed and she fell unconscious. She woke after about ten hours and found a letter by her side. No one had come in while she was unconscious, because she was still lying on the hard marble floor. She slowly sat up as her body ached. Her hair had fallen open and the pins had fallen on the ground. Her white dress was spread around her. She looked at the letter and picked it up. It was from Kegin.

You were marked by my son, fool. And you will slowly die till someone kills him. You should have let them ease that pain for you. You were a fool and will always be, just like your mother, who so easily fell for me. And never listened to her husband as he tried to warn her. You are truly her daughter.

Thessalia closed her eyes and grit her teeth as she threw the letter in the fire. She will never let Kegin touch her. She looked around the room and threw away all the decoration on the floor, not caring if it hurt her and her hands were bleeding, she just wanted this house gone, this mansion burned. She stopped only when there was nothing left to throw down. She walked to the center of the room and closed her eyes, taking in a deep breath of relief. She felt more than relaxed. Her feet were bare and her white dress was touching the ground. Glass has scattered all around with blood falling from her wounds and she smiled. She loved it. She came to love it.


Thessalia sat on the bed as maids dressed her hair and put pins to fit them. She was wearing white as she had every day. It was her wedding day already. She was dressed as a queen at her wedding ceremony, but her heart was cold and dead. When the maids were done, they bowed and walked away, leaving her all alone. She stood up and walked towards the window and looked around the grounds. She wanted to destroy every single decoration, but it was not her place. Every noble under Kegin's command was already present, but no sign of any single Clan Leader. She was about to turn around disappointed when she spotted someone staring at her from behind a tree. The figure was wearing a black hood and its face was invisible. Thessalia pressed her hands on the window and looked closely. The figure slowly pulled away the hood and Thessalia gasped. It was Elmyra. She smiled and nodded once before vanishing from sight. They would come, that was the only message she came to give. Thessalia moved away from the window and sighed.

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