30: The Last Battle [I Vedui Maeth] Part 1

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Ailwin didn't know what to do. He had walked into the castle and pushed Thessalia away as she ran towards him to ask him what Kegin had said. Elmyra had stared from far away and knew that something was wrong. She was the only person who knew what Kegin was capable of. He had walked into his room and laid down on his bed, without taking his boots off. He stared at the ceiling and wondered what his father had done now. But he couldn't guess. Every time he came close to know his father, he felt far away. He closed his eyes and at that moment someone knocked on the door softly. "Ailwin?" Elmyra's soft voice came from the door. He looked at the door but didn't move. He knew she will ask what Kegin said and what will happen to them. And yet he wanted to share everything with someone who might live to tell his tale. He got off the bed and opened the door, Elmyra was turning around to leave. She stopped and looked up at him.

"Come in," Ailwin said and let her enter the room, closing the door behind him. He sat on the edge of his bed and stared at the fire. Elmyra sat by his side and looked in his eyes.

"Ailwin, what happened?" Her voice was soft and she was asking just to share the burden of what was coming.

"Kegin knew my father for long. They were friends and roamed the world together until he left and never returned because of what Kegin was doing. And father never told us." Ailwin stopped and looked at her. "I don't want to know any more. It will kill me. Please help me survive." He almost begged and she smiled.

"It is unlike you to beg for something. I am glad you are changing." She put her arms around him and hugged him. He let her do it and closed his eyes. He realized how much he missed his mother to hug him every day. But she was the one who did it wrong.

"We have only two days left. On the night of the second day, he will attack." Ailwin whispered, not wanting to talk.

"We still have time to rest. Go to sleep and store your energy." She whispered in his right ear and patted softly on his head, telling him to sit and let her go. Ailwin sat straight and smiled at her.

"You can make me smile even at this time. It is a miracle no one ever loved you." He said with passion and looked back at the fire. She bowed and walked towards the door. "Good Night, Elmyra." He called after her and she glanced back at him, to find him lying on his bed, staring at her. She nodded and walked out of the door, closing it softly. He stayed awake for hours and couldn't find sleep. Hearing the voices of the people in the castle and battlefield being set everywhere.


Two days passed as if they were a dream. None could find words to talk with each other. They just walked past each other. They were scared to talk about anything and to lose that very person in the battle. Elran had talked about the magic which none had seen before, they were scared that they won't survive. All those people, who were weak and couldn't stand the battle on the mountain were sent to Ashborne, to guard the people if the leaders would die. Nobles came at the last hour and some of the werewolves as well, along with their lord.

Ailwin stood on the walls of the Moonscribe castle and looked around the clan. People were packing their things and running away as if they would never survive this and their leaders will fail. He couldn't move from the place and it gave him pain at the same time. One of the little children looked up at him and smiled. She ran towards the wall, but her father grabbed her by her hand and dragged her away. He knew she wanted to talk with her Leader for once. He smiled to himself and looked behind at the castle. Armies were assembling all around the grounds and the gates were sealed till they would be ready. Sapphirus came to stand by his side and looked at the island.

"Fear, I can sense it from here." He said and looked up at the sky. "It will end tonight." He whispered with a hint of fear in his voice and Ailwin looked at him with shock.

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