32: The Last Battle [I Vedui Maeth] Part 2

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Was this what was coming? Was it this they thought they would see? Their past was gone, their present dying, their future...what exactly was left of it when there was no hope. They were betrayed and yet they were loyal. No use was that loyalty now. They could trust too few for the final attack. But, will it come? Will they ever be the same? Will they see the new world, the new dawn?

As the fires rose from the mountain, people screamed with horror. What will come to pass? What will happen to them? They were always living in peace, given by those living in the mountains. But now it was burning, ashes were falling from the sky as if it was snow falling. Their destiny was been decided. Where would they go? There were few islands which were inhabitants with humans like them. But they were always too far. They didn't even know the right direction.

Waters were turning red as the blood was shed. The wind was whispering as if alive. The dawn was never coming as if dead and lost. The moon was gone from the sky, hiding behind the darkness. The fire was all around them. And the power of the lakes was gone. They were born not for war, but peace. And now they were fighting to keep it in the lands of Ashborne. For how long will it last and the people will be saved. They must sacrifice to save the innocence in the world. And to bring justice and peace.

Elmyra felt the bond breaking, but she looked at Sapphirus as he too stopped. And then she realized Ailwin was gone. But the battle was still going on. Sapphirus clenched his fists and looked at the sky. Isilynor was fighting with the shadows along with Raeran and Raemin. Velana was fighting not far from them. And Isilme and Dilya were light ice and fire as they moved towards the peak. And then she heard it, a faint scream and she grit her teeth and jumped as a shadow attacked her. She will never forgive Kegin for that.


Thessalia ran towards Bloodfire castle as she felt auras coming far from the place. They were almost there when the diamond castle blasted and the crystals flew in the air. The whole castle was gone and the power they sensed was of Dalyor Dawnsdust. Thessalia jumped over the fallen wall and ran towards the throne room where she found Waesren Whisperwood, Dalyor Dawnsdust, and his wife and daughter. Dalyor was lying still by the fallen diamonds of the castle and his wife and daughter were surrounded by shadows. Waesren was bleeding very badly. Thessalia stared at the shadows and knew for sure, those were special ones. Made only to kill the Leaders and Nobles.

"Mama!!" Dalyor's daughter shouted and Thessalia looked towards them. His wife moved in front of her little child and coughed blood as one of the shadows stabbed her. Thessalia's world cracked and she growled as she felt Dalyor lifting himself on his both hands and staring at his wife. "Mama!!"

"Balane, my child. Run." Lady Dawnsdust said and tears rolled down her eyes. But shadows grabbed Balane's arms and started dragging her away.

"Mama!! Noooo!!!" Balane cried but she was never heard by her mother as Lady Dawnsdust looked at her husband and whispered only a few words.

"I'm sorry, Dalyor." Thessalia wanted to shout her name and call her, but then she realized, she never knew her name. She stared at her as she fell, her red hair spreading around her head, her red dress looking black from the blood.

"Lady Moonscribe, help!!" Balane shouted and Thessalia looked up. The little girl was still been dragged by the shadows.

"How dare you?" She demanded with gritted teeth and raised her hand towards the sky. "Answer mime esta-, Isilme." [Answer my call, Moonlight] She shouted and everyone stopped and lightning appeared in the sky.


Isilme stopped as she felt the call of her owner and she looked at Dilya, who was fighting with her sword and fire at once. Dodging was easy, yet killing was difficult. Loving was easy, yet losing was difficult. How many hardships will they face today? Isilme smiled sadly and moved away from the fire mage. She wanted to whisper her name and call her. But she will only make her lose her mind. But she couldn't go like that, could she?

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