24: The Bloodfire [I Bloodfire]

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Lixiss looked at the moon and thought about the life she had lived from the very beginning. And then the life she dreamed she would live. She sighed and stared at the stars. Ruven was her elder brother, but from the beginning, she has been saving him. She was the one who took him away and ran from home. Abandoning their mother. Leaving her to die alone. And before leaving she had given Lixiss the locket of the Bloodfire Clan. And she had lost it. But she saw Thessalia wearing it when her brother came back after leaving the island for months. He had chosen Thessalia as his queen from the beginning. And because of that locket, Thessalia has fallen for him. He promised Lixiss that someday he will let her know. But that day has already come. And it will be Lixiss who will tell Thessalia the truth, not Ruven.

"You wanted to talk with me?" Thessalia asked and walked towards her. Both of them stood on the balcony in front of Thessalia's room. Lixiss nodded and took a deep breath before speaking, telling her the past, that only she knew and remembered.

"I want to tell you about the past and the suffering of our siblings," Lixiss said and she looked in those violet eyes.


"You are a member of Bloodfire now." Thessalia looked at the sky and sighed.

"Very well. Go on."

"We Bloodfire were born long ago...

Bloodfire was special and worshiped by their own clansmen. But they were never proud of it. For centuries they ruled until one of them came who was hated by everyone. He was left alone by everyone. He roamed around the clan every day, for his life to end. But at the same time, he wanted to have an offspring to rule after him. After a long time, he found a young lady, who was the only daughter of a very strong general. He gave her a necklace that belonged to the former queens of the Bloodfire. But he put a spell on it that will make the one wearing it fall for the one who has given it to them. So he sends it as a gift and didn't let her know who send it. She kept wearing it for months and in the end fell in love with the Clan Leader. Her father didn't understood the reason, but after seeing his daughter's love, he agreed for her to marry the Clan Leader.

Soon they got married and their son was born. They were very happy about it, but eventually, Lady Bloodfire came to know the reason she wanted to marry the Clan Leader. But she never regretted it, for he had a good heart and a gentle personality. She lived happily till one day he suddenly died. She had a ten-year-old son and one year old daughter by that time. But she felt lonely. Her father told her to come back and live with him, but she refused and took over the Bloodfire throne and ruled as the youngest and the best Clan Leader. But for how long she would have ruled?

Lixiss Bloodfire, the young lady of the Bloodfire castle was what her mother dreamed for her daughter to be. But Ruven Bloodfire was totally opposite. Ever since their father had died, Ruven lived far from home. Sometimes wondering off with Ailwin and Thessalia Moonscribe. He never cared much about his mother worrying about him. Lixiss hated her brother for some reason, but she never said anything. Lixiss followed her mother in meetings, till she was eighteen. Ruven was at that time about twenty-seven. But he never cared about anything.

And it was one of those days that she was roaming around with her mother when one of her servants came to her told her that Kegin awaits them in the throne room. She took Lixiss with her for her son was again roaming around the clans. The Moonscribe were dead, so he would have gone around to hunt down the forest's monsters. Silently she walked in the throne room and took her place there.

"What is it that brings you here?" Lady Bloodfire asked and leaned on her throne.

"You must know that Thessalia Moonscribe is alone and can't control..."

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