8: The Truth [I Truth]

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"I have come here to know who awakened the forest." He said and stopped in front of Thessalia. He smirked and continued. "And ask Her Highness to marry my son." Ailwin doubted that his sister was breathing as she froze. He squeezed her hand again and stepped forwards.

"I will delay it as I am nowhere to make decisions on my family's behalf." He didn't know how he was controlling his anger because at that moment he wanted to rip his neck off his body. Lixiss was staring at Kegin with horror and fear in her eyes.

"No, you can't," Kegin said and smiled again.

"Yes, he can," Lixiss said as she stood up and walked to stand by Thessalia's left side and looked down at the person she very much wanted to kill. "And as for me, I will not let this marriage ceremony take place until unless this matter is solved. So, Kegin, you and your son may leave this castle." She ordered and glared at him. Kegin looked at Ailwin and glared at him as Ailwin smiled and stepped in front of his sister.

"You wait, Ailwin Moonscribe." His words were so full of hatred that Ailwin thought he was being eaten by a demon.

"How dare you speak his name?" Lixiss demanded and moved forwards, but Ailwin raised his hand and stopped her.

"Let him." And he pointed towards the doors. Kegin and Ethlando didn't wait for another order as they walked out of the hall. At that moment Dalyor Dawnsdust, Waesren Whisperwoods, Ryfon Raventears, and Riniya Lakelight entered the hall and took their places.

"Let us start now," Lixiss said and moved around the chairs.

"Thessalia Moonscribe, where were you when the forest was awakened?" Lixiss's. the tune was demanding as she looked at the Moonscribe Clan Leader and smirked.

"I was in the castle. I was unconscious at that moment." Thessalia replied and leaned back in her chair.

"Do you have a witness, except for that royal guard of yours'?"

"Only he was with me at the moment." A silent answer and Lixiss laughed sarcastically.

"Let me hear his story then." Lixiss pointed towards the doors and they opened, Orrian walked inside and bowed. "Speak."

"I was taking her back in her rooms when the forest was awakened and she fell unconscious. Lord Ethlando tried to use her." He added as he read a question in Lixiss's eyes.

"What do you mean, he tried to use her?"

"You are old enough to know the meaning, Lady Sunblood." Ailwin snapped and glared at her, his black mark making his face creepy.

"You are dismissed, Orrian." And the guard walked out of the hall. Lixiss turned to face Thessalia, who was looking at nothing. "Is it true?"

"Yes." A flat answer and she turned around.

"What about you Whisperwoods?" Lixiss walked towards him and stared at him.

"You know very well that our powers are awakened along with the forest. How are we supposed to awake the forest?" Waesren answered and stared back at the guardian of Eldham.

"Ah! Sorry, I forgot. Then what about you Lady Crystalwinds?" Lixiss was getting angry as the possibility of finding the person was getting less and less. And the one who awakens the forest was one of the Leaders of Eldham.

"I was with the leader of Raventears," Lensa said, bored of the meeting as she always was after her sister vanished from the mountain.

"Is it true, Lord Raventears?"

"That indeed is, Lady." Ryfon bowed his head and looked at her with his raven-eyes.

"Lord Dawnsdust was with me, which only left you Lady Lakelight," Lixiss said with gritted teeth and put her hands on Riniya's shoulders and pushed her backward. "Answer."

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