29: The Vessel [I Calpa]

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Elmyra stared at the woman who spoke as if she was struggling. Her black long hair was knee-length and her black robes had blue linings and embroidery. She seemed to be an ancient queen. And her tone was mocking at the same time.

"Oh! You know who I am then?" She asked as Ailwin whispered her name. Ashborne? The name was given to the island. Her tune was not of surprise. Elmyra held her breath as fear took over her body. Her heart sank and she glanced at Ailwin as he froze.

"Ashborne, stop!" A voice echoed and something blasted and another figure appeared. His blond hair flying behind and his robes were of the same color and design. Elmyra moved further away and looked at Ailwin, who was frozen in his place. He couldn't move without an order from the two Nobles in front of them. She looked around, but there was no one.

"Ailwin." She almost sobbed and hated her for it.

"Stay where you are, Elmyra. Don't get involved in this." Ailwin said without looking at her, even for once. She slowly nodded and looked at the two Nobles.

"Why not brother? He is just a filthy human who you chose as your vessel and he serves my son." She glared at Ailwin and fire rose around her.

"Don't or you will destroy the world." Her brother said and moved forwards, but she looked at him with hatred.

"That is what is in the prophecy." She said and looked at her brother, who was slowly fading.

"No, Ashborne. I saw a different future and your son also chose mine." He replied and looked at her for forgiveness.

"Eldham!! For how long have you lied to me! You ruined my life and now you want me to stop because you saw a different end!!" She shouted back and Eldham closed his eyes.

"Ashborne, please. I know I did wrong. But I wanted the world to live and see peace." He replied and looked at his fading soul. "I gave my powers away, just to save this world. I chose this boy because he has the blood of nobles in his veins. Let him go. I just have seconds left. Please Ashborne." He begged and moved towards her as if floating in mid-air.

"Farewell, brother. But I came here not to talk to you." She replied and smirked as her brother's body evaporated and his scream echoed in the area. Elmyra took in a deep breath and Ashborne looked at her. "You girl. Tell me if a queen can become a servant?"

Elmyra looked up at her violet eyes and replied with all the confidence she had left. "Of course she can."

"Then, can a servant become a queen?"

"Yes. And it will be far easier than to make a queen a servant." Elmyra grit her teeth as she wanted to speak more, but held herself back.

"You will be a good tool. Now, you filthy human. Die" She said to Ailwin and small blades flew towards him. Ailwin's eyes widen as he tried to move, but he couldn't.

"Ailwin!!" Elmyra shouted and moved towards him. Ailwin closed his eyes and the next moment, he heard the blades entering the flesh and his eyes flew open. Elmyra stood in front of him and blood came out of her mouth and she looked in his eyes. Ailwin looked down at the blades which have gone through her body and froze. There were about ten blades.

"I want to live, Ailwin." She sobbed and he wrapped his arms around her waist as she fell backward and he screamed.

"Ailwin!!" A familiar voice echoed from behind and he knew that it was Thessalia as her footsteps stopped. He closed his eyes and tears rolled down his face.

"Oh! Another human to..." Ashborne trailed off as she looked at the person standing beside Thessalia. "Son?" She whispered and her eyes widen.

"Mother," Sapphirus said and moved in front of Thessalia.

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