Part 1

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I was sitting outside of my cheap apartment building waiting for my ride to work. I looked in my bag, grabbing my pistol I kept from when I was in the military. My medal for getting injured fell down. I picked it up looking at the only thing they gave me for my service. I've served my country for years and all I got was a damn medal for getting shot.

Even though I get paid for my service with the Masks, my boss Carlyle, told me to lay low and don't draw attention to the amount of money I've aquire in a short time. I've even took up a job as a welder, which is nice because we use that place to repair our own vehicles when we need to.

*Phone buzzes*

"I'm in the alley."

Me: Got it.

I walked back to my squad mates. Robert, our engineer, met me inside by the door.

Robert: Sup bro.

Me: Hey Rob, what we doing tonight?

Rob: Just a simple breaking and entering.

We walked out getting in our armored car we built together. Carlyle was up front with Liam, our medic. All of us had day time jobs in different locations but they had their uses. Robert worked for the city and always planted traps in case one of us need it, Liam worked at the hospital and would forge numbers so no one would notice missing medical supplies, and Carlyle worked as an armored truck that moved money from the banks. We basically had one rule in our group, never be taken alive.

Carlyle: Take a right here.

Liam: What this guy do?

Carlyle: He's giving information to Rainbow.

Robert: I see him, dinner table with his guests.

Carlyle: Park a few streets away.

Liam: Gas charges are ready.

Carlyle: Y/n front door with me, Robert and Liam cut off any escape. Masks on people.

We all got out moving towards the house. Carlyle and I stood at the door giving the others time to get in position.

Carlyle: Ready?


He rang the bell, I aimed my pistol at the door. A man opened the door all smiles until Carlyle put a bullet in his head. We moved in, I turned to shoot a woman trying to escape.

Carlyle: Mr. Morgan!

We entered the dinning room, Rob and Liam we're already there keeping everyone contained.

Carlyle: I'll assume you know why I'm here.

Morgan: I...I...

Carlyle snapped his fingers, Rob blasted a woman away with a sawed-off shotgun.

Carlyle: Don't care, you broke our little agreement.

He walked over grabbing a picture of a boy. He broke the glass over Morgan's head, the other guest began to panic. I heard a faint noise behind me as Carlyle continued to beat Morgan. A red dot moved along the wall behind us then a gun barrel.

Me: Company.

Carlyle: Damn it, gas the place!

Liam threw the gas, Carlyle killed Morgan. A Rainbow operator moved in with a shield, I fired at him attempting to stall them but his shield flashed me. I moved back covering my eyes as I heard the gas detonate ahead of me. My vision came back, To was pulling me outside as Liam stood back firing at Rainbow.

Blue Collar, White Mask (White Mask reader x R6S)Where stories live. Discover now