Part 8

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Today is my big to find out if the world will know I'm a White Mask. Police came lined up outside my cell.

"Good morning gentlemen, what's for breakfast? I'm think something with bacon."

Cop: Shut it.

They pulled me out shoving me toward the hall.

"Come on guys."

We all stopped when another group of cops showed up.

Cop: What are you doing?

Carlyle: Escorting the white mask.

I ducked down as they fired suppressed pistols killing all but one cop. I looked at him as he held on to his wound.

"You were right by the way."

I looked around at my fellow Masks cleaning the area up. I snapped his neck then he was drug away.

Carlyle: You are fucking lucky I have favors to call in.

"How many?"

Carlyle: All of them...but I'm glad you are okay.

We continued to my judgement, I walked in a room alone as they stood outside. Bentley was in the room with another person I've never met before.

"So am I going to prison?"

Man: No, we caught a man with a similar description like yours. You are free to go after the next person is done talking to you.

They walked out, Bentley gave me a thumbs up. A woman walked in sitting down in front of me.

"If you're a lawyer you can go."

Woman: I'm not a lawyer Mr. L/n my name is Six and I just want to apologise for my operator.

"It's nothing now if you'll...

Six: I also heard you're quite the soldier.

"That life is over."

Six: It doesn't have to be. As you may have heard Rainbow is recruiting.

"You don't want me there."

Six: Why not, we have people with various backgrounds. I even have a colorblind operator.

"Not interested."

Six: If you change your mind.

I took the card she handed me. I walked out to Robert waiting for me.

"Hey guys."

Robert: Sup bro how was it?

" was okay. Everyone there is kind of a dick."

Robert: Cool, want a hit up a casino?


I tried to open the passenger door but it wasn't working.

Robert: Sorry dude you need to sit in the back.

I opened the door, about to get in when Emma and one of her friends waved at me.

Emma: Hey Y/n.

I sat next to her, she gave me a hug then kissed to side of my head.

"Hey Emma."

Emma: This is my friend Monika.

Monika: Hello.

"So what are you guys doing here?"

Emma: I stayed at Robert's house and Monika is here to give me a ride back after we get you.

We drove back to his house, I helped Emma out then into Monika's car.

Blue Collar, White Mask (White Mask reader x R6S)Where stories live. Discover now