Part 12

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I found myself inside a dark room. Both my hands and feet were tied together. What is Robert going to do.

Robert: Hey Y/n you awake bro?

"Yeah. Where's Emma?

Robert: She left, I don't know where she went.

"She say anything?"

Robert: Just on how pissed off she is that you're a white mask. She doesn't know about me.

"So you going to let me out?"

Robert: Don't know yet.

Carlyle: Robert! You here!

Robert: Yeah I'm just taking a shit.

"Robert what is he doing here?"

I heard footsteps outside, I only stayed quiet so they wouldn't find me, if Robert doesn't tell them.

Carlyle: Where is she?

Robert: I don't know bro, I looked around the area thinking she would come here for help.

Liam: It she doesn't know that you're with us.

Robert: What does she know?

Liam: I'm a White Mask along with Carlyle most likely.

Carlyle: What about Y/n?

Oh shit.

Robert: Nothing.

Carlyle: What happened to your hand then?

Robert: I was getting drunk playing games and got really pissed off and smashed a bottle. Hence the bandaged hand.

Carlyle: Fine, let me know if you find them.

The door shut and I'm guessing Robert was walking back to me. He looked at me with his usual sawed-off loading it then snapping it in place.

Robert: You know what they want me to do right?

"Yes I do. Are you?"

He held the gun on my head, I waited to everything to end.

"If you ever see Emma again can you tell her I'm sorry and I love her."

Robert: You know I don't want to do that shit.


Robert: Fucking tell her yourself.

"I don't think she will want to see me ever."

Robert: You just killed a few people.

"Yeah but I broke her arm and cunt punted her."

Robert nearly fell down laughing at me.

Robert: You're so fucked!

"Yeah yeah very funny."

He sat down rubbing his eyes from laughing so hard. He eventually cut me loose but he still was chuckling at me.

"Thanks Robert."

Robert: Yeah any time bro, that makes us even now.

"I had to carry you and you put me in a closet."

Robert: So you're coming out of the closet?

"Ye...wait are you..."

Robert: I'm just fucking with you dude. So what are you going to do?

"Find Emma then take Carlyle down."

Robert: What about Liam and Kevin?

"Liam seems like he's unsure what to do and Kevin he will probably just stand there."

Blue Collar, White Mask (White Mask reader x R6S)Where stories live. Discover now