Vol. 2 part 4

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Another day and cops are still patrolling for me. I watched them drive around the city. I kept my hood up as I walked on the streets. I stopped inside a bar to figure out my next move. The T.V played the latest news of Rainbow doing good and me being a bad guy. I should scout that location Meghan gave me. That way I might actually have a plan in getting in. This stuff was way easier when I wasn't the one making the plans.

On my walk to find my car I had another idea. I'm sure they weren't smart enough to relocate some if the smaller safe houses, I'll just go to one, kill everyone, then just look for the next one.

"I'm so smert."

Everyone looked at me as I couldn't say the word correctly, or the fact I just randomly said it. Fuck'em I have a plan I actually thought of. I walked towards the rich part if town where Robert lived, it looks like they are still here. I waited to one of them to walk outside for a smoke break it something. One of them walked out to get a brick smashed in the head. I took his mask and coat. To be honest it felt good wearing this again, I know it's not for the same reason.

"Alright just like old times."

I walked in, they were getting ready to move it seems. I tried to sneak past a few of them but it looks like the guy in charge here just walked in.

Mask: Everyone hurry up! We move in two minutes.

I better hurry up if I want to find something.

Mask: Hey, get over here and help me load this up.

Fucking hell, now they put me to work. He was standing next to a crate of assault rifles.

Mask: Hurry up asshole.

"Hey are these things loaded?"

Mask: Yeah.

I picked one up shooting the guy then the others. They tried to run but they didn't make it for far. One was crawling away, I threw the gun down to get another one.

"Hey buddy I have a question for you. Where's the boss?"

He pointed at the door in front of us. I thanked him but hitting the back of his head with the rifle. I walked in the room as a man sat on in a chair throwing a knife in the the repeatedly.

Man: Have a seat I need to talk to you.

"Na I'm just going to kill ya."

I aimed the gun but the wall broke as a bullet hit me, knocking me in my ass. He gun up taking a pistol out shooting my leg.

Man: So are you planning on seeing your girlfriend at her parents' funeral?


He shot the other leg.

Man: I wanted to kill your family but that seems childish, so I killed hers.

He helped me up to sit in a chair. He threw me a bandage for my legs.

Man: I'd say sorry but you deserve it.

"I'm guessing you're the guy I'm looking for."

Man: I suppose, but you aren't really a bigger deal to me.

I got up to tackle him but another round knocked me back in the chair.

Man: Nice effort.

He walked to me taking my phone.

Man: I'm guessing you have been using incognito mode.

He began typing then threw the phone at me.

Man: I'll only do this once, just wait here until the police arrive. They will take you in get you patched up.

"If I refuse?"

Blue Collar, White Mask (White Mask reader x R6S)Where stories live. Discover now