Part 11

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I sat across from Carlyle's place, where the woman was at. Carlyle walked in there an hour ago but hasn't left yet. My phone was ringing from texts and calls from Liam and Robert but I don't know if they are keeping secrets from me. Kevin walked up, carrying a bag, acting nervous. Maybe I can trick that dumbass into telling me what he has. I ran across the street patting his back.

Kevin: Ah shit Y/n you scared the fuck out of me.

"What you doing here?"

Kevin: Carlyle told me to meet him here, what did you want?

"I'm just want to see how everything is going."

The door opened, I followed him to find Carlyle sitting in his chair.

Carlyle: Y/n? What are you doing here?

"I was in the neighborhood."

Carlyle: Do me a favor and go check on my guest in the barrel.

He kept an eye on me as I walked to her. I looked back to see he wasn't looking. I found the barrel inside the room where we always question people. None of the tools were moved since the last time I was here. I opened the top, she probably held her breath and went unconscious. I pulled her completely out, she still had her mask and gear on. I lifted her mask slightly, stopping as I began to feel my heart race.

"Fuck it."

I pulled the mask completely off, looking away. I looked at her hair covering her face, I pushed it aside.


She began spitting up the liquid and coughing. I held her up patting her back until she shoved me away.

"Hey, hey wait it's me."

Emma: Y/n?


Someone picked me up shoving me into the barrel. I could faintly hear Emma screaming.

Emma: Stop!

Carlyle: Good now you're up.

I know I should be trying to get out, but this water shit is fucking cool. I stopped listening as I felt the liquid fill my lungs but I didn't feel like I was drowning, fucking science. He pulled me back out, my insides felt like they were on fire as all that shit came out.

Emma: Please don't!

Carlyle: Tell me what I want or I will!

I looked at Kevin holder her with a gun to her head, Carlyle held me by my hair with a gun to my head as well.

Carlyle: Fine.

He held me back it the barrel, I could hear he scream as I was shoved in further then I heard the lid seal. Did that fuck just lock me in here? My face pressed against the bottom, I tried to find a way to get out by nothing. I felt the barrel tip up then a cart siding underneath it, they were moving me somewhere.

Carlyle: Y/n if you can hear me tap once.


Carlyle: When I let you out are you going to kill me? Tap once for no two for yes.


He pulled me out, I punched that bastard right in his face.

Carlyle: Should have seen that coming.

"The fuck man?"

Carlyle: I needed to know.

"So you know what?"

Carlyle: She's your woman, and she knows where Rainbow is. Don't worry she doesn't know you're with me.

"What you going to do with her?"

Blue Collar, White Mask (White Mask reader x R6S)Where stories live. Discover now