Vol. 2 part 7

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I woke up to the sound of Robert throwing a controller near my face. He sat back down taking out another controller.

"You okay?"

Robert: Yeah bro.

Liam walked out from what I'm assuming is the bathroom.

Liam: Holy shit I haven't had a good shower for like a week.

"Fuck what time is it?"

Robert: Ten.

"Did that guy ever come for us?"

Liam: Some guy showed up at like five waking me up, so I threw him down the steps.

"I would have done the same thing."

Robert: They have been calling us for a while but I'm in the middle of this game.

"Alright let's go see what they want."

We all walked out to what seemed like an empty base. We managed to find their lunch area that still had some food remaining.

Liam: So we miss something?


Harry: You missed meeting the team and you're missing training.

Robert: Training?

Harry: It's what we do when we aren't fighting.

"We don't do the whole training shit."

Harry: It's mostly simple things along with the occasional training matches.

Liam: Not interested.

Harry: Well I have a mission for you.

"What I it?"

Harry: I need your expertise to investigate a lead on a white mask attack, but it's complicated.

"Why is that?"

Harry: Let's...

Liam: Enough with this shit tell us what the problem is.

Harry: The person I need you to visit has been under suspicion but I can't prove anything.

"Oh I get it. You want us to do the dirty work."

Harry: If you want to look at it that way so be it.

Liam: I'm down for breaking down doors.

Harry: Can I make one suggestion?


Harry: Can you please make an attempt to conceal your identity.

Robert: I still got my gear from our last mission.

Liam: I'm not wearing that fucking gas mask again.

Robert: Come on bro. We have to somewhat look like a squad.

"Well I kinda lost the gear you gave me."

Harry: Well I'm sure you guys can figure it out.

"Give us the location."

Harry: Here's everything you need. Do what you guys do best.

We finished breakfast as the others were walking in. I ran into Meghan who seems a little happy to see me.

Meghan: Y/n! Where you going?

"On a mission."

Meghan: Need some help?

Liam: Yes.

"No. We can handle it."

Meghan: Okay. I'll see you later.

Blue Collar, White Mask (White Mask reader x R6S)Where stories live. Discover now