Vol.2 part 16

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We were in Liam's last safehouse where he kept the remaining weapons he hasn't moved yet. We agreed if we can't save Emma we are going to avenge her. I looked at Liam, he was loading three pistols then placed them in various holsters. Robert was loading a shotgun but he had an M16 on his back. I was about to leave, but I remembered what Kevin said before I killed him.

"We ready?"

Liam: Let's do this.

Robert: I'm with you all the way bro.

We got in the car, the turtle was next to me with a fucking block of C4 duct taped to it.


Liam: I lost the knife.


We followed the tracks until we found the place Liam mentioned, he left out the part about it being a big fucking tower. We watched as Masks began to run out to set up for an attack.

Robert: How many you think are in there?

Liam: From what I heard, a lot.

"Well, let's see just how good we are."

Liam drove straight at them, we were safe inside the car. He pinned two masks in the building. robert got out shooting at more mask running out. I killed the one stuck in the grill of the car trying to aim a gun us me. We were at the doors, they weren't letting us in without a fight. Liam had to reload so we swapped spots.

Robert: Tossing flash!

We gave it time to go off, I went in first taking down the two masks shooting the wrong way. the others followed me.

Jackson(speakers): Well shit, it looks like I came up with that convoluted plan for nothing. Good job finding this place too bad Emma may not be able to see the valiant attempt at rescue.

Robert shoved me down taking a bullet for me. He shrugged it off and killed the shooter.

Robert: I'm fine.

We stayed together as we prepared to breach the next room.

Liam: Wait.

We all heard a faint beeping. Liam checked the door, it was unlocked.

Liam: I have eyes on a big fucking bomb.

We walked in, making sure there weren't any sneak attacks.

"Anyone want to try turning it off?"

Liam: I'll give it a shot, watch my ass. It's too pretty to get shot.

I watched the door as he began to figure out what to do. I could hear gunfire above us which was strange. I doubt it was Emma, Jackson most likely has her somewhere. I moved out to see if I could find out what was going on.

Robert: Bro! Where are you going?

I slowly made my way up the stairs, there's no way I'm taking the elevator. I would be pretty pissed if I died in that. I saw the door for the second floor, a mask came running through it as if he was forced. I shot him in the face then waited for another one to come running in. The last person I'd ever thought would be here ended up running out just to aim a gun at my face.


Mozzie: Hey mate, been busy?

"I've been busier than a five dollar hooker."

Mozzie: Well that is pretty busy.

"What are you doing here?"

Mozzie: We had the nerd woman trace one of the drones that Shelia uses.

Blue Collar, White Mask (White Mask reader x R6S)Where stories live. Discover now