Vol. 2 part 3

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I was nearly there, this hike fucking sucks. I probably fell at least seven times and the snow doesn't help. I hope Ms. Brooks doesn't call my friend, since it took me two days to get here. I could see smoke coming from the house. I arrived up the hill, a large group of vehicles were driving up to the house.

"Must be nice to have fucking vehicles that can drive in this shit."

I looked at the house, fucking Rainbow was inside. I stayed in my spot to set up my rifle. White Masks must not want them to have whatever is inside. I began shooting a few of them as Rainbow defended the house. Another group if vehicles were on there way. I fired at a driver, the car turned and rolled over but they kept coming. Another round hit the other car but I must have missed. They all stopped in front them began assaulting the house.

"I suppose I better help her friends."

I set my rifle down, picking up my shotgun. I ran to the house, White Masks spotted me and began shooting at me. I ran up to the house firing at the group of cars with masks hiding behind it. They threw a grenade as me so I jumped in the window, nearly landing on a bear trap or something.

"I'm sure they won't mind if I take this."

I looked around to disarm it but I was pulled back. That fucking skull lady, always doing this shit. I rolled over then kicked her into the trap.

"I on your side bitch."

I kicked her face before I picked up my gun. I moved in the house, hiding as Masks fought an operator in the other room.

Voice: Someone help Smoke!

I know that voice. I looked out to see Ela and another woman fighting a group of masks. I crawled out the window as I heard the bombers rushing in the house. I shot and killed one of them. I found the computer but someone took the hard drive.

Man: It's done let's get out!

I aimed my gun at him I'm not going back empty handed. The floor beneath me exploded, sending Ela's friend out the window.

Ela: Meghan!

I looked down, she was rolling down the hill. Ela was pulled back to the house.

Man: If we don't leave well die with her.


I slid down the rope. I killed two masks chasing Ela. Her friend wasn't as ran down the hill, she was about to enter the water. She fell in feet first as I grabbed her arm.

"Come one pretty lady you need to o get to your friends."

I saw their helicopter fly over us, but I had a bit of a run to catch it. I slung her over my shoulders trying to get up the hill. I slid down every few steps.

"Come on, we are right there!""

They left leaving me with and unconscious woman who wasn't smart enough to wear appropriate winter clothes and White Masks wanting to kill me.

"Fucking lovely."

I ran down the hill blindly firing at White Masks taking pop shots at me. One bastard managed to fucking hit me. I carried her back to my rifle I left taking a break.

"If you're dead I'll be pissed."

I took off a glove checking for a pulse in her neck, thankfully there was one. I guess I'll try to keep her alive long enough for her friends to get her.

"At least you didn't completely go in the water."

I put my coat over her along with my hat. I was regretting it as the air hit my sweater. I have a nice trail of blood leading to my hip for saving her. I better pick her back up along with my rifle to head back to my campsite.

Blue Collar, White Mask (White Mask reader x R6S)Where stories live. Discover now