Vol.2 part 15

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Liam: Alright boys this is the plan. I found out that she carries two it those drones.


Liam: We find a way to turn the camera on and we can see where she is.

Robert: What if she's just in a room alone with nothing in it?

Liam: I didn't think about that part.

Robert: Is there a way to track the drone?

Liam: I have no clue.

"What if we just do this the old way?"

Liam: What do you mean?

"We do things how we use to. No one telling us what to do we just watch each other and let nothing get in our way."

Robert: You sure you want to do that?

"Come on guys, we got a little soft since we been here."

Liam: I agree. We got a little lazy.

Robert: Alright bro.

"Then it settled, we are leaving Rainbow."

Liam: I better go say goodbye to Red.

He walked out, Robert began packing his games, I went to Emma's room to get what I needed. I only grabbed a few clothes and all of my guns I hid. Lion was standing in the doorway looking at me.

Lion: Leaving?


Lion: Did Six tell you to?

"No, this is my idea. I'm not waiting for his permission to go out and find Emma."

Lion: Bring her back.

"That's the plan."

He moved aside as I walked out to meet Liam and Robert. They were standing outside their door acting casual.

Liam: Ready?

"Yeah. By the way, do you still have that barrel?"

Liam: You know it.

We walked down the halls with Liam pushing the barrel. Harry was just in time to see us.

Harry: What are you doing?


Harry: I did not authorize you leaving.

"I know, that's why we brought this."

Robert grabbed him, Liam opened the top then helped put him in.

"Consider this our resignation."

Harry: Don't you d....

I shoved him under the liquid, Liam sealed it then moved him in his office.

Liam: He's going to be so pissed when he gets out.

Robert: What if he doesn't?

"Who cares."

We all got our guns ready then continued our walk. They had a recruit walking in the garage. He ran over to us when I opened the door.

Recruit: Hey, I wasn't told that you can leave.

Liam hit him over the head with his SMG.

Liam: I know, I could have just shot him.

We drove off, we didn't know where to we just needed to get away.

Liam: So where would we like to go?

Blue Collar, White Mask (White Mask reader x R6S)Where stories live. Discover now