Part 13

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I've been in this fucking room for about two days now. Robert has been handing me food whenever he could.  I'm unsure if he's just ordered to or he is doing it behind Carlyle's back. I looked at the phone as it neared zero percent as Ela called.

Ela: Y/n I finally have our tech guy here and we will start tacking the phone.

"It's going to die really soon."

The door opened, I slid it under garbage as Carlyle pulled me up.

Carlyle: Got a mission for you Y/n.

He punched my face until I was about to fall.

Carlyle: It's going to be a good one.

He shoved me to a different room where Liam and other White Masks were getting ready.

Carlyle: Put the suit on.

I looked at the bomber gear set out for me. Carlyle aimed a gun at me as I stood next to it.

Carlyle: Come on put it on.

I unwilling put it on, Liam loaded his Vector looking at me. Everyone began walking out to the trucks but I looked around for a gun.

Carlyle: You think I'm giving you a gun?

"Well it would make my plan to kill you a lot easier."

Carlyle: Sorry to ruin your plan, you are going to hopefully kill them all but not the way you think.

He held up a black box.

Carlyle: You see, Liam has planted a bomb in you. It's not your regular hit a button one. This one will blow if you exceed a certain distance. That's how I killed your old girlfriend. So don't try to run or do it make my day better.

"Don't plan on it."

I sat in the truck nearly everyone had a gun aimed at me.

Carlyle: Alright, simple kill the VIP mission. The truck will leave in ten minutes after we breach, so if you don't make it either kill yourself or go out swinging.

We drove to a lodge out in the country. We all ran towards the house as the truck drive to the pick up point. Carlyle was next to me and it seems it was going to be like that the whole time. Then again I know he is going to try to get away leaving me behind.

Carlyle: Alright breach!

Everyone ran in, I followed Liam and Carlyle as they moved in. Two older looking operators moved to cover. I stayed back just watching them fight. I moved in but a the metal helmet guy found me. I looked around for a weapon but I only threw a picture, doing nothing to him as he shot a shotgun at me.


He turned firing into the man's leg. He moved back as other masks moved towards him.

Carlyle: Let's get downstairs.

I had no choice so I followed them. Carlyle stopped to grab me and shoved me forward into a trap making my head hurt.

Carlyle: Thanks Y/n.

He hit me with the rifle butt as they walked past me. I stumbled down the steps, a green haired woman walked behind them but hasn't noticed me yet until my suit beeped.

"Wait! Don't fucking shoot me yet!"

She looked at me tilting her head slightly.

Woman: Y/n?

"Yes that's me I'm the guy that Emma is pissed about."

Ela: This is great we can get you out.

I walked pasted her as my chest began beeping.

Blue Collar, White Mask (White Mask reader x R6S)Where stories live. Discover now