Vol.2 Part 14

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We were out on another mission to recover a dirty bomb but this time we had Thatcher and Mozzie with, Liam insisted that we bring him.

Liam: So how did your little talk with Emmanuelle go?


Robert: Should I make room for you to sleep in our room?

Liam: Na, he probably has two beds to sleep in.

"No, it's just the one."

Mozzie: Why would he have two?

Liam: Shut it.

Robert: Okay. I get why this guy is here. Why do we need the dwarf? Do we need him to speak friend to enter?

Liam: It's from a movie.

Mozzie: Don't make me come over there and kick your ass.

Robert: I'll be dead from old age by the time your little legs walk you over here.

Thatcher: Enough! We have a job to do.

We got out, Thatcher and Mozzie ran to cover, we casually walked to them.

Thatcher: Alright, our objective is in there let's get those alarms disabled before they can use them.

They ran to a different position, Thatcher began throwing up gang signs.

Liam: The fuck is he doing?

Robert: West coast represents, bro.

"He's from England."

Robert: Oh... certain soccer team sign?

Liam: It's football.

"Americans call it soccer."

Liam: I know. Tell him to stop he's probably rooting a team I hate.

He kept doing the same thing.

"He forgot his contacts and he can't see what's over there."

Liam: Oh man that sucks.

Robert: That's why I stick to glasses.

Thatcher: What the fuck are you doing?

"Figuring out how to get your new glasses."

Thatcher: There are targets on the other side of that wall.

Liam: Oh.

He took a grenade then tossed it over the wall. Alarms were ringing, as we began shooting.

Thatcher: Fucking useless Muppets!

Liam began climbing up a tower to get a sniper's position. I ran in with Robert towards the cover. I looked back to reload, Thatcher and Mozzie were moving up. I ran in the building, knocking a mask down with the door. I fired a bullet in his head then made my way up. I kicked a door open to toss a flash in. I moved in after it went off, everything is cleared. I turned around a bomber grabbed my gun. I tried to fight him off but he held the detonator. I stopped at another one walked in getting ready to detonate.

"Fucking do it!"

Jackson walked in.

Jackson: No, I want you to suffer.

He took my hand bending my finger back until it broke.

Jackson: Quit your fucking screaming. I honestly thought about killing you quickly but you just had to kill my wife!

He broke another finger then let go so the two could drag me off.

They cuffed me to a chair next to a strange device.

Blue Collar, White Mask (White Mask reader x R6S)Where stories live. Discover now