Part 9

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I say inside a garage working on fixing our car. Liam was inside working on the wiring. Kevin walked in with new glass and seats.

Carlyle: How's it going?

Liam: Fucking terrible, why can't we go with my idea?

Robert: Because it's shit.

Carlyle: Hey Y/n what was it you want to talk to me about?

"I got an offer to join Rainbow and..."

Carlyle: You seen Six?

"Yeah she gave me a card."

I held it out, he took it smiling.

Carlyle: Oh Y/n this is great.

Robert: It is?

Carlyle: I'll tell the boss, but I think
Y/n goes there, gives us the location and then we fucking attack it.

Liam: The five of us?

Carlyle: No we get more men.

Robert: How about we have call her then track the call back or something.

Carlyle: I'll see if we can do that.

I looked at my phone, I had to meet Emma in about twenty minutes.

"Shit I have to get going."

Liam: Who's going to help me put the engine in?

"Kevin seems capable."

I wiped my hands on my shirt and pants as I got to the door. I drove through about every stop barely making it before she walked out from her car.

Emma: Hey there.

"Where to?"

Emma: Well...

I was tricked into shopping with her. She went into the dressing room as I looked for a seat but this place didn't have any. I just sat down on a shelf.

Worker: Sir you can't sit there.

"Don't care."

She rolled her eyes walking away. I would kill her if I had my mask. Emma walked out with a dress she picked out.

Emma: How do I look?

I just stared at her, completely amazed.

Emma: I'm guessing you like it.

She winked at me then went back in the room.

"Holy shit."

Emma: I except you to take me somewhere nice so I can wear it tonight.

Tonight? I searched my phone for a place and texted Liam for a place.

Hahaha good luck I'm working on a car

Please don't be a dick

I don't know how about you go to that fucking bar uptown wear all those rich snobs go

Anyone you know work there

I'll make a call

She walked out to pay for her dress.

Emma: You find a place yet?

"I'm working on it."

Later that night we arrived at the place Liam told me, it was a good idea to take some money from my safe with.

Blue Collar, White Mask (White Mask reader x R6S)Where stories live. Discover now