Vol. 2 Part 2

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"Alright, how the fuck do I get in there besides killing my way in."

I sat down looking at my weapons and gear. I threw an pistol and mask in the bag to take with. The rest of my supplies I threw in the back of the cab from yesterday.

After barely making it to the airport from having no gas I walked in. I stopped to sit next to some lady on her phone. I looked around for someway to get past them and find Victor. I found a water bottle that was still full that should work. I kicked my bag under the seat. Some executive snob was walking in not caring about the people he almost hits. He stood in line but I threw the bottle away then put my knife in his jacket. I walked back to my bag as the security began to restrain him and I snagged ba badge from one of them. It opened a door for employees. I looked around but I didn't know which way to go so i headed for the lockers. Looks like there's only two people inside.

"Hey guys I'm a little lost. I'm here to fill in for a pilot."

Man: Head out and take a left then a right by the toilet.

"Thanks guys."

I pulled on my mask that Robert gave me from our last mission. I kicked the door open, pistol ready.

"Where's...oh it's empty."

Alright I'm sure there's something that will tell me which flight he'll be on. I walked out putting my gun and mask away. I looked for those guys again but they were gone.

Man: Y/n L/n!

I looked back, several White Masks where standing behind me.

"Oh boy here I go shooting people again."

I took cover as the attacked. I quickly put the mask back on then killed one walking in front of me. I ran back killing two more. I looked out the door, it's back to the entrance. I fired my gun scaring everyone. Most of the employees working threw on masks picking up guns. One mask tried sneaking up on me, I kicked him out the door for his friends to shoot his ass.

I knew I should have just shot my way in. There should be one more mask looking for me in here. He was moving away, I shot his leg.

"Where's Victor?"

I kicked his over pressing on the wound.

Mask: He's getting ready to take off. He's on flight 108.


*Fires gun*

I took his AK making my way back. Cops finally arrived and we're fights masks. They seem busy enough not to see me.

Man: There's one right there!


I began shooting cops and masks as I dove for cover. I looked at the display, looks like Victor is scheduled to fly in a few minutes. I stood up shooting down a cop the shot at me then ran. A mask tackled me by the metal detector, I kicked him off the shoved him through the x-ray machine giving me time to reload my rifle.

"You can't bring guns on an airplane sir."

I shot him as his head peeked out. I ran down the hall to the plane knocking down a flight attendant. I looked at everyone on board.

"I'm going to kill the pilot so I outside might want to just run out of here."

Everyone began screaming as I walked to to cockpit. The flight attendant I knocked down stabbed me with a knife. I returned the gesture but stabbed her neck then threw her away.

"Victor I would like to talk to you!"

The plane began to take off, I rolled back.

Voice: This is your pilot Victor, I hope you have a seatbelts on.

Blue Collar, White Mask (White Mask reader x R6S)Where stories live. Discover now