part 15/end?

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Carlyle: Make it quick.

I looked at him as he put his feet back on the table.


I ran out the door, back down the stairs.

Carlyle: I'll make sure to pay Emma a visit when you die!

I slid down the rails since my knee was shot.

Carlyle: I can see either you defused the bomb or Liam didn't do it since you haven't blown up as I press the button.

I had a few feet to go so I jumped over. My left leg didn't land right so I rolled my ankle but I kept moving. A lone mask was limping away from a fight in the other room. I picked him up slamming him down, quickly moving to kill him with his knife before he has any chance.

Emma: Another bomber incoming!


I threw myself at the door breaking it down. They were about to walk in the room until Emma saw me. She tried to run to me but another mask fired at her. I stood up firing the gun I took killing him then one bomber. Another one shot me but I kept moving towards him killing him first.

Emma: Y/n!

I walked to her, she held me up as he hugged me. Craig walked over to check the bodies.

Emma: I told you to be safe.

"I told you I'm not very good at at that part."

We sat down near the test lab. She began basic first aid on my gun wounds.

Emma: You get your guy?

"Not yet but I..."

I looked at a mask running from the lab at us, with a grenade in hand. I shoved Emma away then tackled the mask down, hitting the grenade away destroying a few gas canisters. I tried to get out but the emergency containment activated and sealed me inside.

Emma: Y/n!

She began hitting the glass with rifle but it did nothing.

"Emma get out if here!"

Emma: Not without you! Blackbeard!

Craig ran over to me aiming his rifle.

Craig: Get down!

I ducked as he fires into the glass.

Craig: It's not working.

The mask behind me began gasping for air as the gas began to fill the room.

"Emma, get out. I don't want you to see this."

Emma: I told you to come back to me.

"I'm sorry."

I felt the gas enter my lungs and began coughing.

"Get her out of here!"

He picked her up, she screamed my name and hit him.

"I'm not dying from something stupid like gas."

I looked around finding an oxygen tank. I turned it on blowing some if the gas but it did very little. Everything began to burn inside me and my vision was fading. I searched boxes and drawers eventually finding a gas mask. Next thing was to turn the vents on, how the hell do I do that? I walked further into the lab my friend had foam in his mouth, he deserves it. I found the vents, both fans were gone but the gates were still off.

After I crawled for what felt like an eternity I made it out. I feel the burning sensation in my nose and lungs.

Speaker: Aw you made it out. Don't bother coming back to the office I'm just leaving.

Blue Collar, White Mask (White Mask reader x R6S)Where stories live. Discover now