part 7

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I woke up to the sound of Robert walking in my room with Kevin in the hallway.

Robert: Let's go bro.


Robert: We are going to stop some lying assholes who are going to make a speech about veterans.

"I'm going."

He say down on my chair tossing a food my way as I walked to my gun safe. I placed my combat gear and gun in a bag then left for Robert's truck.

Robert: So how was it?

"Good it's sounds like she wants to do it again sometime."

Robert: Nice.

"So how is this going down?"

Robert: We are going to be setting up within the cameras, Liam will be on a sniper somewhere. Another team is going to play a video of how all these guys are full of shit, that's the signal to kill everything.

*Phone buzzes*

Hey Y/n I heard there's a veterans ceremony or something today you going to it

I was planning on it just to see if I knew anyone

I'd meet you there but work

It's fine maybe if you aren't doing anything tonight we can do something

I'll let you know if I can

Robert: Girlfriend?

"You could say that."

Robert: What she want, besides your dick.

"She knows I'm military and asked if I was going to the big event."

Robert: She's not going to be there right?

"No she has work."

Robert: Good I'd feel like shit if we shot her.

"It would be Kevin that does it I bet."

Robert: Shit it would be that kid.

We arrived at the event, just as the camera crews where getting ready. We snuck in undetected and waited by a destinated camera that White Masks set up with a makeshift gun in it. Only a few minutes later Rainbow showed up. It seems like they brought their French and German operators this time.

Liam: I'm in position and I've found a sniper, watch out.

Carlyle: He won't spot you will he?

Liam: I'm nearly a mile away.

Carlyle: Everyone ready?

Robert: Good to go, bro.

Kevin: I'm ready.


I looked at a big guy with a metal helmet walking past me with a SMG in hand.

Liam: Looks like there's more Rainbow walking in.

The crowd of people arrived along with out targets. We were behind the crowd on a the back of a truck. Robert stood on the ground, arms length away from our guns. As they began talking lies about how much they care for veterans I pulled my mask on and aimed the camera at my target. The screen behind them changed from a patriotic video to ours. Everyone looked at the video of them doing everything the said they didn't do. I fired the gun destroying the camera but killing my target.

Blue Collar, White Mask (White Mask reader x R6S)Where stories live. Discover now