Part 10

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I was at my other job, making the same old thing for what seems like the hundredth time. The bell rang, signaling the end of my shift, I reach for the metal flowers I made for Emma. I drove back to my place hoping she was able to come over.

Hey Emma you able to hang out

I'm sorry dear I'm on a business trip

Well there goes my night, I guess Robert's door is always open. After getting him some food for once I found him playing games like always.

Robert: Sup bro want in?

"Sure, burrito?"

Robert: Is it a frozen gas station one?

"The cheapest one."

Robert: You flirting with me?

"Someone has to."

I sat next to him, he handed me the other controller. Hours of playing Emma was calling me.

"Hey babe."

Emma: Hey I have some free time and just wanted to tell you I miss you.

"Miss you too. I'm forced to hang out with Robert."

Emma: Tell him I said hi.

"I'll put you on speaker."

Emma: Hey Robert.

Robert: Sup bro...I meant Emmanuelle sorry.

Emma: It's okay. What you guys doing?

Robert: We are just gaming.

Emma: Sounds like fun.

Background voice: Who you talking to? Is it Y/n?

Emma: Yes now please leave me alone. So when do I get to hang out with with all the guys?

Robert: Whenever.

Emma: I should be back in a few days how about then?

"Sure. Bring a friend so Liam doesn't feel lonely."

Liam walked in with his mask on.

Liam: Don't move fucker I know you're White Masks!

Emma: What did he say?

I turned the speaker off and pointed at my phone.

"Liam just showed up and he wants to drink."

Emma: Alright I have to get going talk to you later.

"Bye Emma."

Emma: Good bye Y/n I love you.

Liam was standing still.

Liam: Did I just fuck us?

"I think we are good."

Liam: Come on guys I just lost some money and I want it back.

I looked back at the screen, Robert's character died on the last boss fight.

Blue Collar, White Mask (White Mask reader x R6S)Where stories live. Discover now