The Next Story?

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After seeing that most comments from the last part it seems like there's a demand of a Sir. Reginald and Mozzie story. I'm not sure how or why Sir. Reginald has a demand for his own spinoff story.

I've thought about it and I came up with a few ideas that could work. I'm not sure if i should do story where you guys pick the theme of the next chapter, like do they go back in time or travel to a different world.(something like a one shot sort of thing) I could just do it like a normal story, or a combination of both. I'm not quite sure on anything yet. Let me know what you guys think on how it should be done.

Otherwise I'm still working on the Argus story I hope to have another part out soon.
Have a good one.

Blue Collar, White Mask (White Mask reader x R6S)Where stories live. Discover now